Earth Got A Second Moon & Here’s What It All Means

Here’s How You’ll Be Impacted By Earth’s “Mini Moon”

Prepare for big feelings.

This fall, the skies are bustling with activity. Expect a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd, a full moon in fiery Aries on October 17th, and transformative Jupiter will be retrograde on October 9th. And yes, Earth has captured a second moon! While it might sound like a scene straight out of a science fiction movie, it’s real and might just affect your zodiac sign.

On September 29th, Earth’s gravity latched onto a “mini moon” called 2023 PT5. While this asteroid-turned-mini-moon is too tiny and distant to be seen with the naked eye, astrologers believe it could influence the astrological patterns.

Astrologer Stevie Goldstein shares, “What’s interesting about the mini moon is its alignment with our current eclipse cycle. We had a powerful full moon eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, and another one is on its way on October 2nd, just days after the mini moon’s arrival.”

Earth isn’t new to mini moons; there are plenty of asteroids out there. However, this one’s timing, sandwiched between significant celestial events, makes it particularly symbolic. Goldstein says, “It feels like a cosmic nudge to take this eclipse cycle and its themes seriously.”

What To Know About The Mini Moon

This mini moon is roughly the size of a school bus and was first detected in August. Now, it’s orbiting Earth. Such occurrences are actually not uncommon; the last known mini moon was in 2020.

This space rock usually orbits the sun within a small asteroid belt that follows Earth. It’ll be a temporary addition to our moon for 57 days before heading back into space on November 25th. Astonomers project it will return in 2055.

The Symbolism Of The Moon

According to astrologer Letao Wang, the moon symbolizes our emotions and inner self. It governs the water sign Cancer and affects our reactions to life. Therefore, moon phases hold immense significance in astrology.

Usually, new moons are times for setting goals, full moons signal conclusions and letting go, and eclipses are chaotic periods for reflection. The arrival of this second moon amidst these phases could serve as a reminder to truly let things go.

With two moons in our space, it might suggest that dual feelings and complexities will prevail, says Goldstein. “Having a second moon feels like a hint to embrace complexities and multiple truths simultaneously,” she notes.

For the next couple of months, contemplate how life’s questions may not have straightforward answers and how things might be more nuanced than they appear.

The Zodiac Signs Affected By The Mini Moon

While the mini moon might be a mere blip for some, certain zodiac signs could feel its influence more intensely. Astrologer Talisa Zampieri believes that moon-ruled Cancer will sense the mini moon’s presence the most, along with energetically sensitive signs like Pisces and Scorpio.

With the mini moon joining Earth’s orbit right as the Libra new moon solar eclipse begins on October 2nd, Libras and those with Libra placements might see reality checks coming their way. Goldstein advises taking it easy, accepting the mini moon, and letting cosmic events unfold naturally.

Zampieri adds, “Eclipses can heighten emotions and instability, so observe what comes up for you. Pay attention to your body, and notice any patterns. We are our own greatest teachers.”

You can acknowledge the mini moon by focusing on your moon sign and its traits. “If you’re an Aries moon, honor your impulsivity. Pisces moons may need to slow down even more and respect their physical limits,” Goldstein suggests. “Cherish what your moon sign craves!”