Mom Picks Up Daughter From School, Girl Hands Over Drawing That Makes Mom Gasp

When a Southern California mother went to pick up her daughter from kindergarten, she couldn’t wait to ask how the little girl’s first day of school had been. As soon as she saw her little one, however, the child handed her mother a drawing which made the unsuspecting parent gasp.

It all started when Janene, a blogger from New York now living in Southern California, picked up her daughter from her first day of kindergarten. What happened inside that brightly-colored classroom is something she’ll remember – and laugh about – for years to come.

Janene shared the unfolding story when she picked her daughter up via her Facebook page, I Might Be Funny. She also posted a picture that her daughter had drawn at school, which humorously depicted her mother with massive breasts.

“Those are not my real boobs. Let me explain,” Janene began. “It was the first day of kindergarten for my youngest child, and I arrived at the classroom to pick her up at the end of the day. All of the children were running up to their parents, proudly displaying their new drawings of flowers, hearts, and animals.”

“My daughter thrust her picture into my face, beaming, ‘It’s you and me!’ I looked down at the picture – of boobs. Really, really big boobs,” Janene continued. “Yes, MY little artist didn’t draw hearts or flowers…she drew an EXTREMELY inaccurate depiction of her mommy for all the world to see.”

“‘Wow!’ I said. ‘Just…wow!’” the mother-of-three wrote. “Laughing to myself during the drive home, I was imagining the teacher probably thought Dolly Parton was coming to pick up this child. I bet she was a little surprised when it was just me and my B-cups that strolled through the classroom door that afternoon.”

“I love this drawing because it is a reminder of how our children can view us so differently than we view ourselves,” Janene concluded. “Look at me here…my boobs are perky, my hair is thick and bouncy, I have a perfect, tiny nose, and my smile is bright. I mean, really, I’ve never looked better. And if that’s how my daughter chooses to see me, I will treasure it forever.”

Janene’s post went viral as other parents who could relate to her experience began sharing it. Her story serves as a humorous reminder that our children see us very differently than we view ourselves, and perhaps we ought to strive to see ourselves the way our children do.

Parents often think they look old and tired and could stand to lose a few pounds. However, at the same time, their child looks up at them and sees perfection. Janene’s daughter drew her with perfectly styled hair, a tiny waist, and so well-endowed that she would be the envy of all the neighborhood moms. She should definitely be proud that her daughter sees her this way.