Gruesome Simulation Showing Why You Should Not Pluck Nose Hair Has ‘Unlocked New Fear’ in People

We all have our own unusual habits and routines we follow, even if they might not be strictly necessary. Some might be particular about filing nails or styling hair just right so it stays in place all day. And there are those who can’t stand the sight of a single nose hair poking out and feel the need to pluck it regularly.

However, a recent simulation has shown that plucking nose hairs might not be the healthiest habit. This eye-opening video has left many viewers with a newfound fear.

The Video That’s Freaking People Out

The unsettling simulation was shared on a YouTube channel known for its creepy yet informative content. The video illustrates how nose hairs grow inside the nostril.

The narrator explains, “Most people just go ahead and pluck out unwanted nose hairs, but should you actually do this?” The short answer? Absolutely not.

The video continues to explain that these hairs act as a crucial filter, preventing harmful irritants from entering your nasal passages. Removing these hairs can allow bacteria to flow freely into your respiratory system. This might not seem like a big deal at first, but the consequences can be severe.

In rare cases, the bacteria can travel from the nose to the brain, causing serious complications.

What Doctors Are Saying

Supporting this claim, NHS doctor Karan Rajan explained in a previous Instagram video why you should ‘never pull out your nose hairs.’

Dr. Rajan said, “You have two types of nose hairs. You have microscopic cilia, which filter mucus and send it to the back of the throat where it ends up in the stomach, and vibrissae, the large ones you want to yank out.”

He further explained that these nose hairs filter large particles from entering the back of the nose. Plucking them can let germs around the follicle enter, potentially causing an infection.

“Due to the danger triangle, it can cause brain infections. The veins carrying blood out of the nose meet up with veins carrying blood out of the brain,” he elaborated. Plucking can therefore lead to germs entering the brain, causing inflammation or even a brain abscess, a rare but serious condition. This is especially risky for people with weakened immune systems.

So, instead of plucking, Dr. Rajan advises trimming your nose hairs.

Public Reaction

The simulation video has generated a mix of intrigue and fear among viewers. Many commented that they found the information both fascinating and terrifying.

So, next time you think about plucking that pesky nose hair, consider a trim instead. It’s a much safer choice.