12+ Real Stories That Prove Spirits Can Actually Exist

Although some may deny the existence of ghosts, personal experiences often challenge this belief. In today’s stories, we hear from individuals who have felt the presence of departed loved ones or witnessed eerie occurrences. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, these tales are sure to give you the chills.

Story 1:

Just a week after my mother-in-law passed away, I was staring at her framed portrait on the coffee table. She had never been a kind woman, often downright nasty. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash from her room. I went to check, but everything seemed fine. Returning to the living room, I was terrified to find the coffee table covered in tiny glass shards. The glass in the framed portrait had shattered completely. Shaking with fear, I tucked the photo away in a drawer.

Story 2:

When I was a baby, my mother and grandmother heard someone say hello to me over the baby monitor. They rushed upstairs but found no one there. We believe it was my grandfather, who had passed away before I was born, greeting me. © 99-Savage | Reddit

Story 3:

After my father was diagnosed with cancer, I moved back in with my parents. We fought hard, but in the end, we lost him. One morning around 4 a.m., I was getting ready for work. As I walked past the living room on my way out, I felt my father’s presence in his favorite chair, watching me. My hair stood on end. Even though it was dark, I said, “Love you, Dad,” and left for work. © Remote_Salad949/Reddit

Story 4:

While touring the Whaley House, a reputedly haunted mansion in San Diego, California, I heard piano music playing in a downstairs parlor. No one else in my group heard it, and there was no one in the room. The music only lasted a few seconds. © invisiblette / Reddit.

Story 5:

When I was nine, my grandmother came to visit during summer vacation. She passed away in her sleep, and we called the police to take her body. That night, I couldn’t sleep, so I went to the mirror. Staring back at me was my grandmother’s reflection. © Left-Tutor9890 | Reddit

Story 6:

The day my uncle passed away, I went to bed early and dreamed of him saying goodbye. When I woke up, I found my mother crying. She told me, “Your uncle Frank passed away moments ago.” © a2625 / Reddit

Story 7:

One day, my brother was dancing alone in the living room. I heard him say, “Thank you, grandma…” She had died years earlier, and the day this happened would have been her birthday. © BigMemerMaan1 | Reddit

Story 8:

When I was very young, I often told my mother I was afraid of going upstairs because a small child scared me. One night, while my mother was painting alone in the house, she heard something and saw a small child walking down the stairs. © dietsaddad | Reddit

Story 9:

At about three years old, my grandmother told me about my deceased uncle and showed me his pictures. He had died four years before I was born. I remember seeing him in the corner of our house, watching and waving at me. When I told my grandmother, she was horrified. © Nastiunich/Reddit

Story 10:

In my living room, there’s a large mirror reflecting the hallway doorway. Around age 11 or 12, I was combing my hair and saw a white figure walk past the door. I knew it was my grandma, letting us know she was still with us. © EmmiDev/Reddit

Story 11:

Many years ago, just before my husband passed away, I heard a disembodied voice say, “Look at him. This is the last time you’ll see him alive.” The voice was feminine and still haunts me. © G***illaYourDreams/Reddit

Story 12:

My father once told me about a night he went to the bathroom and reached for the light switch. He felt what seemed like an old person’s hand on the switch. When he reached back again, it was gone. He turned on the light, but no one was there. © Traditional_Self_658 | Reddit