‘You’re in Danger,’ Police Officer Told Me When I Woke Up in the Hospital with No Memory

Scarlett woke up in a hospital with no memory, surrounded by a police officer and a man claiming to be her boyfriend. As she tried to piece together the truth, strange details emerged, leading her to question everything and everyone around her.

When I first opened my eyes, the bright light made me want to close them again. After a moment, my vision adjusted, and I realized I was in a hospital. The sterile smell and white walls confirmed it, making my heart race with confusion.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

A police officer sat by my bed, his expression serious but calm. Near the window, a man stood partially obscured by sunlight. “Scarlett, you were in danger, but you’re safe now. Can you hear me?” the officer asked. My throat was dry, and all I could do was nod.

The man by the window stepped closer. “Scarlett, you’re finally awake!” he exclaimed. His face was unfamiliar. “Who are you?” I asked shakily.

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“It’s me, Ben. Your boyfriend,” he said, taking my hand. “The doctor mentioned you might have memory gaps from the head injury, but we’ll get through this together.” He kissed my hand.

“Do you remember who you are?” the officer asked again. “Yes, but there are gaps,” I replied.

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Another question came, “Do you remember how you ended up in the hospital?” I shook my head. The officer explained that a week ago, I reported a man following me. Two days ago, I called again, saying someone was chasing me. While escaping, I must have fallen and hit my head. They found me unconscious.

“I was unconscious for two days?” I asked, shocked. “Yes, you were in a coma,” he confirmed.

Anxiety gripped me. Ben didn’t feel right. What if he was lying? What if he was the one following me? “Ben, could you give us a moment?” I asked. He looked surprised but agreed to step out.

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I turned to the officer, confessing my distrust. The officer assured me they had thoroughly checked Ben, confirming he was my boyfriend. But my gut feeling said otherwise.

He gave me his number, reassuring me to call if anything felt wrong. His name was Officer Ryan. Ben returned, but my unease didn’t fade. I was cautious.

A few days later, I was discharged from the hospital, still with no memory of my past. Ben drove me to what he said was our apartment, and everything inside looked familiar yet distant.

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There were pictures of me with my family and friends, but none with Ben. It seemed odd. “Don’t we have any pictures together?” I asked. Ben paused, explaining he wasn’t big on photos.

I tried to accept it but felt weird. During dinner, Ben offered to make lasagna, my favorite. I was trying to convince myself that it might just be my imagination. I decided to call Officer Ryan and share my concerns about the lack of photos. He listened and advised me not to jump to conclusions.

Ben then talked about how we met through our mutual friend Catherine, but that didn’t sound right. Catherine wasn’t the type to introduce people. This increased my doubt.

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I tested him by mentioning a baseball game Stacey told me about over text. Ben’s smooth denial of any such event sent a shiver down my spine. I realized he was lying.

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Panic surged through me. I bolted out, ignoring Ben’s calls and ran to safety. I called Officer Ryan and told him Ben isn’t my boyfriend but the stalker.

Within ten minutes, I was in Officer Ryan’s car, crying uncontrollably. He calmed me, promising that the police would catch Ben. He took me to his home and made tea to ease my nerves.

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Officer Ryan told me I could stay as long as needed. Just then, police lights flashed outside. He checked his phone, his expression unreadable.

As I glanced at a pile of ropes and carabiners, he casually mentioned he was into rock climbing. Similar to something I did in school, we shared a small moment.

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Before leaving on a work call, he assured me to call if any trouble arose. Minutes turned to hours, fear creeping back. I found an old yearbook. Surprisingly, Officer Ryan and I graduated the same year, but he seemed unfamiliar.

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Desperate, I sent a picture of his yearbook photo to friends, hoping for answers. Just then, Ben called with a threat, pushing me to run to the police station.

I arrived, asking for Officer Ryan, only to find there never was such an officer. Panic set in. Another officer led me to an interrogation room, to find the so-called Officer Ryan in handcuffs.

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The officer explained that they caught the real stalker—Ryan—who was never a police officer. My phone buzzed. Catherine confirmed Ryan was a stalker from school, and Stacey clarified the mix-up with Ben.

Pieces fell into place. Memories flooded back: Ben and I dating, feeling safe… and Ryan’s dark obsession growing. The ropes weren’t for climbing; they were for me.

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Overwhelmed, I sank to the floor, crying. Ben arrived, holding me tight. I trusted the wrong person, but now the real danger was gone.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Midjourney

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If you enjoyed this story, read another surprising tale about a woman who foiled a scheme on a bus that threatened an innocent child.

This piece is inspired by real stories from our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only.