Flashback: Oprah Winfrey once called Trump a ‘folk hero,’ a contrast to comments made during the DNC

‘Many of the liberal celebrities attacking President Trump now used to love him,’ Trump press secretary

Oprah Winfrey addresses the DNC

Let’s rewind to 1988, folks. Picture it: a time when Oprah Winfrey, the queen of daytime talk shows, sat down with none other than Donald Trump. Back then, Oprah was genuinely intrigued by the American fascination with this real estate mogul. She even went so far as to call him a “folk hero.”

During this iconic interview, Oprah observed how celebrities at a New York concert applauded Trump the loudest, standing up and cheering for him. Curious, she asked, “Why is that? What is this fascination?” Trump’s cheeky response? “I don’t know, maybe I should be a rockstar.” Oprah, with her legendary humor, quipped, “They thought you were going to moonwalk.” Oh, the times we lived in.

But wait, fast forward to the Democratic National Convention where Oprah made a surprise appearance. The once “folk hero” Trump was now the target of her sharp, pointed criticisms. Oh, how the tables have turned!

Winfrey didn’t mince words. Addressing a crowd at Chicago’s United Center, she went after Trump’s antics, deeming Trump’s tweets and lies as “old tricks and tropes designed to distract us from what actually matters.” She called for adult conversations amidst complicated times, emphasizing, “Civilized debate is vital to democracy, and it is the best of America.”

This wasn’t her only beef with Trump. She also criticized comments he made to his supporters, suggesting that they “won’t have to vote anymore” if they elect him. Known for her straightforward commentary, Winfrey took a stand, asserting, “Voting is the best of America.”

Oh, and here’s a nugget of irony. Shortly after her DNC speech, Trump posted a thank you letter from Winfrey dated back to 2000. In that letter, she suggested that he might make a good president. “I might have thought it back then,” she admitted in a 2023 interview, but times, they have a-changed.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump campaign national press secretary, didn’t let this pass by without a comment, calling many celebrities “phonies” and pointing to a trend where liberal celebrities who once adored Trump now distance themselves because of political divides.

Isn’t it curious how time can alter perceptions, and how public figures can shift from admiration to criticism as the political landscape evolves? One thing’s for sure, the dynamic between Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump is a testament to the ever-changing world of politics and celebrity culture. So, next time you’re watching an old interview, just remember: today’s folk hero could be tomorrow’s antagonist, and vice versa.

Remember, dear reader, to always take a look down memory lane. Sometimes, it’s filled with unexpected twists and turns, and it’s always a wild ride worth reliving.