Teacher Fired For Making Students “Pledge Allegiance” To Pride Flag

In a notable incident from 2021, a California teacher was dismissed after asking her students to pledge allegiance to a progress pride flag. This action has reignited discussions about the presence of progressive symbols, like pride flags, in American classrooms.

Kristin Pitzen, the teacher central to this incident, posted a video on social media where she guided her students to pledge allegiance to the pride flag, which symbolizes various LGBT identities. Traditionally, the Pledge of Allegiance honors the United States flag, a practice that’s becoming less frequent in schools.

The Newport Mesa Unified School District quickly addressed the situation by initiating an investigation. The district responded to concerns from parents and the community, emphasizing the importance of respecting the American flag.

“We are aware of a video posted by one of our teachers on their personal social media that caused alarm regarding saluting the American flag,” said Annette Franco, a spokesperson for the district. “Respect for our nation’s flag is a key value we teach our students and expect from our staff. The teacher is no longer in the classroom, and we are continuing our investigation.”

Pitzen, who has since removed her TikTok account, detailed the situation in the now-deleted video. She said she instructed her students to stand if they wanted, sit if they preferred, and say the pledge if they wished. “My class decided to stand but not recite the words. That was fine, except for one problem: my room doesn’t have a flag,” Pitzen explained.

She admitted to removing the American flag from her classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic because it made her uncomfortable. “The flag used to be there,” she pointed out to an empty spot in the classroom. “But I took it down during COVID because it made me uncomfortable. I packed it away, and now I can’t find it.”

When students asked about the missing American flag, Pitzen offered an alternative. “‘In the meantime,’ I told a student, ‘We have this flag you can pledge allegiance to.’ The student looked around and saw the pride flag on the wall,” she recounted.

This incident highlights the growing political influence in classrooms across the country. However, some states are pushing back, striving to preserve traditional values. For example, Louisiana recently enacted a law requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.

Oklahoma is also incorporating Christian teachings into its curriculum. According to the Christian Tribune, Oklahoma’s education official mandated that the Christian Bible be included in lessons for grades 5 through 12. “The Bible is a crucial historical and cultural text,” said Republican State Superintendent Ryan Walters. “Without understanding it, students cannot fully grasp the foundation of our nation, which is why our educational standards include its instruction.”

As America’s classrooms become fields of ideological contest, these conservative measures represent efforts to maintain educational practices that honor historical and cultural roots. The situation with Kristin Pitzen is a reminder of the cultural conflicts within the education system as communities and legislators work to shape the education of future generations.