Apple Riddle

Apple Riddle: The Equation Everyone’s Talking About

Oh, dear reader, you seem to have stumbled upon my little corner of the internet. If I were you, I’d turn back now. Seriously, skedaddle! This is a riddle so perplexing, so confounding, that only the bravest minds dare to solve it. Are you still here? Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Grab your abacus, billiard balls, or whatever helps you think best, because we’re diving into the Apple Riddle, also known as: 9 – 2 × 3 + 5 ÷ 1 = 🍎.

The Rules of the Game: PEMDAS

First off, have you heard of PEMDAS? A fun acronym that stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (left-to-right), Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right). Confessedly, it sounds like something a medieval scribe would say, but trust me, it’s your best friend in this riddle.

Okay, let’s break it down. We start with the equation: 9 – 2 × 3 + 5 ÷ 1.

The Multiplication Factor

Using PEMDAS, multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction. So, the first pitstop on our little adventure is multiplying 2 by 3. Now, even if arithmetic makes you break out in hives, multiplying two and three should be simple enough. Candle in the dark moment, folks: 2 times 3 equals 6. No shocking revelations here. Our equation is now looking a bit cleaner: 9 – 6 + 5 ÷ 1.

The Division Secret

Next up? Division. But don’t cringe! Dividing 5 by 1 is like ordering a single slice of pizza; you still end up with just one slice. So, 5 divided by 1 remains 5. Our new and improved equation: 9 – 6 + 5.

The Subtraction Showdown

Hold on to your hats because things are moving fast now. Subtraction and addition are the last hurdles. 9 minus 6 is a manageable 3. The equation stands: 3 + 5.

The Addition Finale

All that remains is to add 3 and 5. If you’ve come this far, a round of applause is warranted. Adding 3 and 5 gives us a grand total of 8. Yes, that’s it—the big, juicy, forbidden Apple number!

The Answer: The Mysterious 🍎

And there you have it; the answer to our oh-so-dramatic riddle is a heavenly 8. So next time you see the equation 9 – 2 × 3 + 5 ÷ 1, you can smile knowingly, as you’ve faced the Apple Riddle and lived to tell the tale.

Bravo! The Final Answer Is:


Pat yourself on the back for making it through. You’re now a certified riddle master. Share your newfound wisdom with caution; don’t go wielding this power lightly!

Until next time, keep those neurons firing and never trust an apple emoji again.