School Suspends Conservative Student: The Battle of Beliefs

School Suspends Conservative Student

Oh, the irony of the modern educational world! Here we are, praising inclusivity and diversity, yet silencing anyone who dares to think differently. Welcome to the saga of Owen Stevens, an outspoken young conservative student at SUNY Geneseo who found himself in hot water for – wait for it – stating biological facts. Grab some popcorn; this is going to be interesting.

Meet Owen Stevens, your typical straight-shooting conservative, who just so happens to believe in those pesky things called facts backed by history and science. His crime? Voicing an opinion that many of us consider common sense. Cue the outrage! Stevens posted videos on Instagram proclaiming that “a man is a man, a woman is a woman,” a statement as old as time itself. But in today’s world, that’s enough to get you called a heretic.

One fine morning, Stevens received an email from the State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo, informing him of his suspension from his teaching programs. His offense? He allegedly violated the state’s Dignity for All Students Act, which is designed to protect individuals from discrimination and bullying. The dean of the university couldn’t have been clearer: expressing his beliefs wasn’t just a viewpoint, it was a threat to the emotional well-being of others on campus.

In a move straight out of a dystopian novel, the school presented Stevens with an ultimatum. The list of demands to re-enter the program was something Orwell would’ve been proud of. Stevens was to delete his Instagram posts, agree to self-censorship, and – here’s the kicker – participate in re-education training. It sounds like a plot twist from a sci-fi movie, but nope, it’s real life circa 2023.

Stevens, brave or foolishly stubborn depending on your viewpoint, refused to comply. Unsurprisingly, the threats from peers started rolling in. Yet, the very act meant to safeguard students’ dignity completely ignored the harassment he faced. Stevens pointed out the absurdity: “I’ve received threats and horrible incidents of students who all feel like they are making the world a better place by becoming the woke thought police.” Bravo, thought police of Geneseo!

But let’s talk about the hypocrisy here. The same institution that chastises Stevens for his beliefs claims it’s fostering a “diverse campus community marked by mutual respect for the unique talents and contributions of each individual.” The catch? That respect ends where non-progressive ideas begin. Their diversity doesn’t stretch to encompass political or religious beliefs that diverge from their standard.

The school publicly condemned Stevens’ beliefs, with the university president reiterating their commitment to “social justice.” But wait! They then admitted that the First Amendment limited their actions against him. Oh, the frustration of wanting to silence someone but having to abide by those pesky constitutional rights!

And here’s the real kicker: according to the school, they haven’t infringed on Stevens’ rights at all. Never mind the suspension, the threats, or the re-education camp orders. In a twist of twisted logic, they claim he silenced himself by not agreeing to their demands.

The world is a strange place when holding a belief backed by centuries of science can get you punished, while declaring it “feels over reals” is celebrated. The saga of Owen Stevens underscores a sobering reality about the state of free speech and intellectual diversity in today’s academic institutions.

So, what’s next? Will Stevens cave to the demands of the so-called progressive protectors of dignity, or will he stand by his beliefs, taking his stand for free speech to the next level? The story is developing, but one thing is certain: these battles over ideas are far from over. We need more like Stevens to remind everyone that freedom of thought is still worth fighting for.

The moral of this story is straightforward: In a world that claims to celebrate diversity, make sure you read the fine print. It turns out that only certain kinds of diversity are welcome. And remember, folks, sometimes being “woke” means falling asleep to reasonable debate. Stay awake, stay informed, and most importantly, stay true to your beliefs.

And that’s Mary’s take—giving you a reality check one blog post at a time. Until next time, keep on thinking freely!