Trouble Sleeping? Experts Say Cherries Are a Natural Source of Melatonin

13 Health Benefits of Cherries (Sleep, Heart Health, and More)

Cherries are small stone fruits with sweet and tart flavors, but they’re not just a delicious snack – they’re also a powerhouse of health benefits. From aiding sleep to enhancing heart health, cherries are packed with nutrients and compounds that can significantly improve overall well-being. Here, we explore the top 13 health benefits of cherries, supported by expert insights and scientific studies.

1. Nutrient-Rich Profile

Cherries are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. A cup (154 grams) of sweet, raw, pitted cherries provides approximately 97 calories, 2 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fiber. They are particularly rich in vitamin C and potassium, supplying 18% and 10% of the daily value (DV) respectively.

2. Antioxidant Powerhouse

Cherries are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, including polyphenols, anthocyanins, and carotenoids. These compounds help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, which is linked to chronic diseases and premature aging. Michelle Routhenstein, MS RD CDCES CDN, highlights that the antioxidants in cherries benefit overall heart health by reducing inflammation and fighting cellular damage.

3. Sleep Aid

Tart cherries are particularly noted for their high melatonin content, which helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Studies have shown that consuming tart cherry juice can increase melatonin levels, improve sleep duration, and enhance sleep quality. “Tart cherries contain melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycles,” says Shelley Balls, MDA, RDN, LDN.

4. Heart Health

Cherries promote heart health through their high potassium and polyphenol antioxidant content. Potassium helps maintain a regular heartbeat and regulate blood pressure by removing excess sodium from the body. Higher intakes of potassium and polyphenols are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The anti-inflammatory properties of cherries can reduce symptoms of arthritis and gout. Consuming cherries has been shown to lower inflammatory markers and reduce uric acid levels in the body, making them beneficial for those with gout. A study found that eating 280 grams of sweet cherries after an overnight fast significantly reduced inflammatory markers and uric acid levels.

6. Exercise Recovery

Cherries, especially tart cherry juice, can benefit exercise recovery by reducing muscle pain and soreness. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in cherries help relieve exercise-induced muscle damage and improve recovery times for athletes. A study involving endurance runners showed that tart cherry powder improved race times and reduced muscle soreness.

7. Digestive Health

Cherries are a good source of fiber, which supports a healthy digestive system by promoting bowel regularity and fueling beneficial gut bacteria. Avery Zenker, RD, emphasizes that fiber plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar and increasing satiety after eating.

8. Blood Sugar Regulation

Cherries have a low glycemic index, which means they can be a real benefit in regulating blood sugar levels. Their high fiber content slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.

9. Weight Management

The fiber and natural sugars in cherries can help control appetite and prevent overeating. Consuming cherries as part of a balanced diet can aid in weight management by promoting feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake.

10. Bone Health

Cherries contain polyphenols that may help protect against age-related bone loss. Studies have shown that consuming tart cherry juice can help benefit bone reabsorption rates, which maintains bone density in postmenopausal women.

11. Cognitive Function

The antioxidants in cherries can support cognitive function and protect against age-related mental decline. Research indicates that tart cherry juice supplementation can improve memory, learning, and attention span in older adults.

12. Skin Health

Vitamin C and antioxidants in cherries contribute to skin health by promoting collagen production and protecting against oxidative damage. Regular consumption of cherries can benefit and maintain youthful and radiant skin.

13. Cancer Prevention

The high concentration of polyphenols and anthocyanins in cherries has been linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers. These compounds help neutralize free radicals and prevent DNA damage, which can lead to cancer development.


Cherries are not just a tasty snack but a nutrient-dense fruit that offers a wide range of health benefits. Whether consumed fresh, as juice, or in recipes, incorporating cherries into your diet can have significant positive effects on your health. So, the next time you see cherries at the store, be sure to add them to your cart and enjoy their numerous benefits all season long.