The Pear Puzzle

Oh, dear reader, I must beg you not to solve the riddle at the end of this article. Seriously, it’s way too easy and will waste those precious brain cells better used to figure out why people still eat pineapple on pizza. But, if you insist on diving into the mathematical abyss holding hands with me, then let’s plunge in together.

A Humble Mathematician’s Breakfast

Imagine waking up on a sunny Sunday morning, ready for a hearty breakfast of algebra and arithmetic. You sit down at the table, armed with a hot cup of coffee and a sharpened pencil. What’s on the menu? A math riddle that seems deceptively simple:

13 − 4 × 2 + 5 ÷ 5 + 6 = 🍐

This particular riddle walks into our lives like an overzealous cat. Imagine it nudging its way onto your lap, demanding attention with the fearlessness only a feline, or a well-constructed math problem, can muster. Our job is to pet it (I mean, solve it) in such a way that it finally purrs and gives us that pear emoji.

The Chaotic Kitchen of Calculation

The first order of business? Operate, my dear Watson, operate. Remember the sacred BIDMAS (or PEMDAS, if that’s your flavor)? It’s the secret sauce to our mathematical smoothie. Let’s break it down:

13 − 4 × 2 + 5 ÷ 5 + 6

First, the multiplication and division—BIDMAS eat your heart out, because these operations are our first dance partners. We shimmy our focus to the 4 × 2 like a caffeine-starved dancer at sunrise. It’s undeniably 8.

Next up, is our division move—5 ÷ 5. Let’s face it, even if you’re a math amateur, this is just slicing a pie into one piece: pure 1.

The Sum of All Problemland Fears

With these operations out of the way, our riddle looks more like a morning doodle:

13 – 8 + 1 + 6

It’s the home stretch, the Sunday stroll in the park where addition and subtraction hold hands and sing nursery rhymes. First the subtraction—13 – 8. Phew! Our answer is 5, right? Remember, we’re still holding out on that addition!

Sliding into that addition domain—5 + 1 + 6. Essentially, it’s as satisfactory as finding that last missing sock. First, 6 + 1, easy-peasy, that’s a solid 7. Now just add 5 to our fresh 7 and voila!

What are we left with?

Here Comes the Pear

Drum roll, please. Allow a pause for dramatic effect here (while I mimic a mime drum-rolling, but only if you’re not watching). Then return to a world where math and emojis are best buddies. The Brain-twisting, calculator-eating, face-palming 13 – 4 × 2 + 5 ÷ 5 + 6 is nothing but a clad-in-digital-glory… (cue the curtain lift)

The Answer: 🍐

And it’s not just any pear! It’s a mathematically inclined, perfectly calculated fruit of our labors. It’s 12! There you have it. We solved the pear puzzle, and I certainly hope you enjoyed that mental workout as much as I enjoyed narrating this tale of crunchy numbers and healthy emojis.

Go forth, dear reader, wiser and with a pear (emoji) staring back at you. Revel in the accomplishment, and now back to wondering about that pineapple-pizza controversy, shall we?