Jillian Michaels on her exodus from California: ‘I know a f—ed up situation when I see one’

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels speaks bluntly about moving out of California

Well, folks, Jillian Michaels isn’t holding back. In a whirlwind of brutal honesty and unapologetic candor, the fitness guru ripped the Golden State a new one. She’s fled her beloved California and isn’t mincing words about why.

“I know a f—ed up situation when I see one. And it’s a mess,” Michaels confessed to Fox News Digital. That’s right; she’s calling out the entire state for what she sees as a freak show of epic proportions.

In a world where people sugarcoat their problems, Jillian’s gripes come as a refreshing slap to the face. She got real on “The Sage Steele Show” earlier this summer, saying California “got too crazy for me.”

“I grew up here. I’m a woman. I’m a gay woman. My mom’s a Jew. My dad’s an Arab. I have a Black kid. And believe it or not, my son is half Latin, even though he doesn’t look like it,” Michaels said in June. “I hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker. And when I leave California, maybe you’ve lost your f—ing mind. Just maybe! Like when you have me running from home, maybe it’s gone way too far.” 

Jillian Michaels

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels went viral with comments she made about her exodus from California on “The Sage Steele Show.” (Screenshot/Club Random Media)

“I get so riled up because I’m a Californian. I was born in this state. I’m a water baby. I love the ocean. I grew up in the ocean,” Michaels told Fox News Digital. “So when I see my state in shambles, I’m pretty angry about it.” 

Leaving California was not something Michaels wanted to do. Her business partner urged her 10 years ago to leave over the Golden State’s high taxes, telling her “you’re insane” if she stayed. She didn’t budge. 

But progressive policies that have overtaken California have forced her hand. 

“People love to say like, ‘Oh, she’s far right.’ Based on what?” Michaels exclaimed. “If you think I’m far right because I want cop killers in jail, if you think that I’m far right because I don’t want a 24-year-old male touching my 14-year-old son… If you think that I’m far right because I want PG&E [Pacific Gas & Electric Company] held accountable for the fire that burned down my home, I guess I’m far right! You got me!”

Jillian Michaels

“Keeping It Real” host Jillian Michaels mocked critics who accuse her of being “far right” for opposing California’s left-wing policies.  (Courtesy of Club Random Studios)

Michaels, who now lives in Miami, cited California’s years-long drought and her belief that politicians are in debt to “Big Ag,” namely the corporate overlords who run the almond farms that consume the state’s dire supply of water.

She also pointed to California’s seemingly endless homeless crisis.