Pelosi admits Biden campaign wasn’t on ‘path to victory,’ denies she pressed him to leave race

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently lifted the curtain on the inside scoop about what led President Biden to bow out of his race. Addressing journalists with a knack for dramatic flair, Pelosi spoke candidly about an unmistakably rocky path to victory. “We did not have a campaign that was on the path to victory,” she revealed, with a tone suggestive of a stern but caring grandmother trying to put some sense into a rambunctious teenager. According to Pelosi, the members on the ground knew the reality in their districts, even if the big wigs preferred to look the other way.

Were Pelosi and Biden ever on the same page?

One burning question on everyone’s mind: did Pelosi ever urge Biden to toss in the towel explicitly? Our friend Nancy, keeping things coy as always, dodged that bullet like an expert dodgeball player. She neither confirmed nor denied those whispers of private conversations urging Biden to step aside, saying only, “I won’t answer that question.” No tea spilled directly, but plenty implied.

It’s no secret that Pelosi and Biden didn’t always see eye to eye. She openly confessed to being less than thrilled with Biden’s debate performance against Trump, even describing it as a scene straight out of a nightmare. “I mean, I was shocked the night of the debate, I was shocked,” she detailed. Her advice to skip the debate altogether was pretty clear, warning that Trump would turn the event into “doggy doo.” But, as Biden’s confidence usually precedes him, he decided to take the stage, only to leave Pelosi and others holding their breaths in dismay.

The Frayed Edges of a Long Friendship

With Biden ultimately deciding to exit the race, Pelosi has candidly admitted that the political turmoil hasn’t left her unscathed. The bond she shares with Biden is one of longstanding friendship and mutual respect, albeit one that now has a few more grey hairs and sleepless nights added to its history. “So we are friends for a very long time. I love him so much. We pray together. I cry over it, I lose sleep over it and the rest,” Pelosi said, with an air that could make an iron statue weep.

In an interview with CNN, Pelosi shared that the two haven’t spoken since Biden’s announcement to drop out. When pressed on whether she hoped to mend fences, Pelosi’s response was, “You’d have to ask him. But I hope so.”

What Happens Next?

As the dust settles, the story of Pelosi and Biden’s political saga leaves us with more questions than answers. With Biden stepping out of the spotlight, the Democratic Party faces a tumultuous path forward, one that promises no shortage of drama, late-night meetings, and perhaps a few more tears.

The takeaway here is clear: politics is a brutal game, and even veteran players like Pelosi and Biden aren’t immune to its harsh realities. Yet, despite the bumps and bruises, it’s the bonds of friendship and shared battles that often shine through, even in the darkest of times.