Tornado Levels Home, Carries Away Babies In Bathtub — Rescuers Can’t Believe Their Eyes When They Search The Yard

A grandmother placed her two grandbabies in the bathtub along with pillows, blankets, and a Bible just before a tornado tore through the home. After pulling survivors from the rubble, rescuers couldn’t believe what they discovered on the lawn.

Every year, tornadoes cause devastation across the Midwest, leaving behind a path of destruction that often includes homes, businesses, and, sadly, lives. With the powerful winds and raging funnels, it’s no wonder experts repeatedly advise people to seek underground shelters during such storms.

But what happens when there is no basement or cellar to take refuge in? The next safest spot is often the bathtub, ideally located in an interior bathroom with no external walls or windows.

As tornado sirens blared in Kentucky, one quick-thinking grandmother, Clara Lutz, grabbed her two infant grandsons and took them to the bathroom. Without a storm cellar, she placed 15-month-old Kaden and 3-month-old Dallas in the bathtub, cushioning them with pillows and blankets and adding a Bible for good measure.

Lutz prepared for the worst, positioning herself over the tub as the tornado approached. Suddenly, the intense wind ripped the bathtub from its foundation and flung it into the air. “I felt the rumbling, I felt the shaking of the house,” Clara recounted. “Next thing I knew, the tub had lifted and it was out of my hands. I couldn’t hold on.”

During the chaos, Clara was struck on the head by the water tank. Eventually, as the storm subsided, she emerged from the debris, desperately searching for her grandbabies amidst the wreckage, praying for their safety. “I was looking everywhere to see where the tub may be,” Clara said. “I had no clue at all where these babies were. All I could say was ‘Lord, please bring my babies back to me safely. Please, I beg thee.’”

Her prayers were answered when sheriff’s deputies followed the tornado’s path to rescue survivors. To their astonishment, they found the bathtub upside down on the lawn. Underneath it were Kaden and Dallas, alive but understandably shaken.

“The sheriff came down. I got in the sheriff’s car down at the end of my driveway. They opened up the door and brought me Kaden, my 15-month-old. And they brought me my three-month-old baby, Dallas. He had a big old goose egg on the back of his head, we didn’t know what was wrong,” Clara explained.

It was discovered that Dallas had a severe contusion on his head and was suffering from a brain bleed, requiring emergency treatment. Rushed to the hospital, a miraculous turn of events took place; doctors found that the baby’s brain bleed had ceased on its own before they even began treatment.

Clara believes divine intervention saved her grandchildren. Despite the tornado obliterating entire buildings, Kaden and Dallas survived with minimal injuries. Their story defies logic and speaks of something greater at work.

While many survival stories attribute outcomes to human bravery or scientific explanation, some occurrences, like the survival of these two brothers, seem to tip the scales into the realm of the supernatural.