Why My Marriage is Stronger Than Most: A Journey Through Love and Faith

Well, bless your heart for even bothering to read this, my dear. You see, if you’ve stumbled upon this here article thinking you’ll just skim through and be done with it, you’d best think again. Oh no, what I have to share about my marriage can’t be captured by a quick glance and a half-hearted click. But if you dare to sit a spell and read on, well, you might just find something worth knowing about the art of keeping a marriage strong, the Mary way.

Now, let’s get one thing straight right from the start: I am no marriage counselor, and I certainly don’t have any letters after my name. No siree. I’m just a good ol’ country girl from the great heartland of America who tied the knot a mighty long time ago with the love of her life. And let me tell you something, sugar, after 40 plus years of marriage, I reckon I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a relationship tick.

Putting The Almighty First

Now, I don’t mean to start preachin’, but if you want to know the secret sauce of my marriage, then you need to understand one thing: My husband, Harold, and I foremost put the Almighty in the center of our union. When you build your house on the Rock, it stands against the raging storms. We are God-fearing folks who abide by biblical principles. How could a union bound in bowing to the One above do anything but prosper?

A Sense of Humor Goes a Long Way

Here’s another golden nugget for you; if you can’t laugh together, well, you’re in for a rough ride. Harold and I have been through everything you can imagine—kids, bills, in-laws, and yes, even the terrifying reality of having to share a single bathroom for years on end. But through every trial and tribulation, we’ve found humor in our hearts. Harold loves to tell the story about the time the plumbing went out on Christmas Eve, and I decided it was the perfect opportunity for an impromptu ice bucket challenge inspired ‘bath.’ Let me tell you, we were shaking with more laughter than cold by the end of it.

Communication is Key, But So is Listening

Now here’s where I see a lot of couples go wrong: too much talkin’ and not enough listenin’. In my seventy-some years on God’s green earth, I’ve found that folks usually just want to be heard. Harold and I have what you might call ‘front porch therapy’ every evening, just the two of us and a couple of rocking chairs. We vent, we babble, and we console. Sometimes, he just needs me to nod and listen—and the same goes for me. Ain’t nothing a cup of tea on the porch can’t amend.

Commitment Beyond Convenience

Here we go—down to the nitty-gritty. When I said ‘I do,’ I meant it. Till death do us part, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health. These ain’t just words to be uttered for the sake of a pretty ceremony. These are vows I hold dear. Want to know why marriages fail today? Because commitment now seems to wait patiently for the first sign of inconvenience to make a hasty exit. Well, not in this house. Love is a promise, not a fleeting feeling. And let me tell y’all, this commitment thing, it’s like a well-cooked stew—it sticks to the bones.

Shared Values Cement the Bond

Last but not least, I can’t stress enough how important shared values are. Call me old-fashioned, but there are things that just have to be seen eye to eye. Harold and I share the same beliefs, goals, and dreams. We both love America dearly, believe in hard work, and cherish family. We don’t just sit around dreaming of the future; we build it, brick by brick, always with an eye toward eternity.

Now, would you look at that? You made it to the end. Wasn’t all that hard, now was it? Maybe you’ve picked up a tip or two, or maybe you’ve just had a good chuckle. Either way, remember: a long-lasting marriage isn’t about grand gestures or fairy-tale endings. It’s about simple, deliberate actions taken every day inside the framework of unwavering faith and commitment. Here’s to love, laughter, and a lifetime of shared sunrises.

Until next time, this is Mary, wishing you blessings on your journey.