Karl Rove: The cost of living has exploded and the border is a disaster

In a recent appearance on Fox News’ “The Story,” Karl Rove, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff and current Fox News contributor, discussed the pressing issues facing America today and how Republicans should strategically respond to criticism from the left. The discussion, hosted by Martha MacCallum, centered around the economic struggles, border crisis, and the political landscape leading up to the upcoming elections. This article delves into the key points raised by Rove and provides an analysis of the current political scenario.


In a politically charged environment, the narrative surrounding the cost of living, border security, and America’s global respect has taken center stage. Karl Rove’s insights on these issues offer a glimpse into the Republican strategy for addressing the criticisms from the left. As the nation gears up for the next election cycle, understanding these dynamics is crucial for voters and political analysts alike.

Key Points from Karl Rove’s Discussion

The Economic Struggle: Cost of Living

One of the primary concerns highlighted by Rove is the skyrocketing cost of living. He emphasized that under the current administration, families are struggling to make ends meet due to rising inflation. This economic strain is a critical issue for the Republicans to address as they formulate their campaign strategies.

Rove pointed out that Democrats, including the Harris campaign, are focusing on personal attacks and creating bizarre narratives around Republican figures like Trump and JD Vance. Instead of engaging in these distractions, Rove advises Republicans to focus on the tangible issues affecting Americans’ daily lives, such as inflation and cost of living.

Border Security: A National Crisis

Another significant issue Rove discussed is the border crisis. He described the situation as a disaster, highlighting the lack of effective border control measures under the current administration. The influx of illegal immigrants and the associated challenges have been a point of contention and a major talking point for the Republican Party.

Rove’s strategy suggests that Republicans should capitalize on the perceived failures of the current administration in handling border security. By addressing the concerns of citizens regarding national security and the economic impact of illegal immigration, Republicans can position themselves as the party committed to restoring order and safety.

Respect for America on the Global Stage

Rove also touched upon America’s deteriorating respect on the global stage. He argued that the current administration’s policies have weakened America’s position internationally, making it imperative for the Republicans to highlight their plans for restoring America’s stature.

This point resonates with voters who are concerned about national pride and America’s role as a global leader. By emphasizing a strong foreign policy and national defense, Republicans can appeal to these sentiments and draw a stark contrast with the current administration’s approach.

Analysis of the Political Landscape

Republican Strategy: Focus on Key Issues

Karl Rove’s insights suggest a clear strategy for Republicans: stay on the offense and focus on the key issues that matter to voters. He criticized JD Vance’s lengthy and defensive response to personal attacks, advocating instead for a more concise and offensive approach. By highlighting the failures of the current administration on critical issues like the economy and border security, Republicans can effectively counteract the personal attacks from Democrats.

Rove’s advice is to avoid getting bogged down by the Democrats’ narrative and instead pivot to discussing what Republicans will do differently. This approach not only addresses the concerns of the electorate but also keeps the campaign focused on policy rather than personal attacks.

The Importance of Ground Game and Early Voting

Another crucial aspect Rove discussed is the importance of ground game and early voting. He highlighted the Democrats’ superior organization in these areas, which has given them an edge in recent elections. Rove stressed the need for Republicans to improve their ground game, particularly at the state and local levels, to mobilize voters effectively.

The disparity in ground game efforts between the parties is a significant concern. Rove mentioned that Democrats have been outspending Republicans on ground game activities, which could impact voter turnout. For Republicans to succeed, they need to enhance their organizational capabilities and ensure they have a robust presence in key battleground states.

The Role of Party Organization

Rove also pointed out issues within the Republican Party’s organization, particularly at the state level. He noted that ineffective leadership and lack of resources have hindered their ability to compete with the well-organized Democratic ground game. The recent changes in party leadership, including the appointment of new chairpersons, are steps in the right direction, but there is still much work to be done.

Effective party organization is essential for executing a successful campaign strategy. Rove emphasized the need for strong state and local party structures that can operate independently of national directives. This decentralized approach allows for tailored strategies that resonate with local voters and address specific regional concerns.


Karl Rove’s appearance on “The Story” sheds light on the critical issues facing America and the strategic approach Republicans should adopt in response to criticism from the left. By focusing on the cost of living, border security, and America’s global respect, Republicans can address the concerns of voters and present a compelling alternative to the current administration.

The importance of a robust ground game and effective party organization cannot be overstated. As the election approaches, Republicans must enhance their mobilization efforts to ensure a competitive edge. By staying on the offense and addressing the key issues, Republicans can navigate the political landscape and connect with voters on matters that truly impact their lives.

For more insights and to watch the full discussion, view the video below.