MUST WATCH: JD Vance Goes Nuclear On Kamala Harris After She Questioned His ‘Loyalty’ To The US

In a fiery campaign rally in Minnesota, Senator JD Vance (R-OH), the vice presidential nominee for Donald Trump, unleashed a vehement response to Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent comments questioning his loyalty to the United States. The rally, charged with high emotions and fervent support from the crowd, served as a platform for Vance to defend his patriotism and criticize Harris and the current administration. This article delves into the key points raised by Vance during his speech and provides an in-depth analysis of the implications of his statements.


Senator JD Vance, a prominent figure in the Republican Party and a former United States Marine, found himself in the crosshairs of Vice President Kamala Harris. During a recent rally in Minnesota, Vance responded with a powerful speech that not only defended his loyalty to the country but also scrutinized Harris’s actions and the Democratic Party’s strategies. This article examines Vance’s speech in detail, highlighting his main arguments and the broader political context.

Kamala Harris’s Allegations and JD Vance’s Rebuttal

During his speech, Vance began by addressing what he deemed as Kamala Harris’s most egregious act: her alleged efforts to cover up President Joe Biden’s declining mental capacity. Vance argued that this concealment was not only dishonest but detrimental to the nation’s security, citing adversaries like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un who, according to him, are exploiting Biden’s perceived weaknesses.

Vance stated, “Anyone who’s too blind to see Biden’s incompetence or too dishonest to admit it is not fit to serve as commander-in-chief.” He accused Harris of lying to the American people and criticized the media for their role in what he described as a cover-up. Vance’s remarks resonated with the crowd, who responded with applause and cheers.

The Concept of Loyalty

A central theme of Vance’s speech was loyalty—a term Harris allegedly used to question his dedication to the United States. Vance, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq, passionately defended his record, recounting his military service and his business achievements as testaments to his loyalty.

“There is no greater sign of disloyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our Southern border,” Vance declared, challenging Harris to justify her questioning of his loyalty. He posed a direct question to Harris, “What the hell have you done to question our loyalty to the United States of America?” His rhetorical query underscored his belief that his and his running mate’s sacrifices for the country far outweigh any allegations of disloyalty.

Critique of Kamala Harris and Democratic Strategies

Vance didn’t stop at defending his loyalty. He launched a broadside against Harris and the Democratic Party, accusing them of attempting to install Harris as the next presidential nominee without a democratic process. He labeled the efforts as a “coup” and criticized the media for referring to it as a “coronation.”

“In America, we do not crown our leaders; we vote for them,” Vance emphasized, highlighting the democratic principle that leadership should be earned through the electoral process. He reminded the audience of Harris’s poor performance in the 2020 Democratic primary, where she dropped out early due to low polling numbers. This, Vance argued, was evidence of her unpopularity and disconnect from mainstream American values.

Vance’s portrayal of Harris as a “wacky out of touch San Francisco liberal” was aimed at painting her as an extreme figure even within her own party. He cited her inability to gain significant support in her home state of California as a further indication of her lack of appeal.

Call to Action

Towards the end of his speech, Vance rallied the crowd with a call to action, urging them to support Donald Trump in the upcoming election. He framed the election as a pivotal moment for the country, one that required the collective effort of “every hardworking patriot from Minnesota across the country.”

“Let’s send a message to the media, to Kamala Harris, and to every hardworking patriot,” Vance proclaimed. He expressed confidence in Trump’s return to the presidency and promised to work tirelessly to ensure it happens. His speech concluded with a heartfelt thank you to the people of Minnesota and a reiteration of his commitment to the cause.


Senator JD Vance’s impassioned response to Kamala Harris’s questioning of his loyalty was a highlight of the Minnesota campaign rally. His speech not only defended his patriotism but also criticized the current administration’s policies and the Democratic Party’s strategies. By invoking his military service and business achievements, Vance sought to reaffirm his dedication to the United States. His call to action at the end of the speech underscored the urgency and importance he placed on the upcoming election. For those interested in the full context of Vance’s remarks and the charged atmosphere of the rally, the video of his speech provides a comprehensive view.

Watch the Full Speech

This rally in Minnesota showcased Vance’s ability to articulate his views and rally support, setting the stage for the intense political battles ahead.

For a complete understanding of Senator JD Vance’s powerful response and the reactions from the audience, watch the full speech here.