The Surprising Way to Deal with Your Spouse’s Wandering Eyes

By Mary

Ah, love and marriage. It’s a beautiful thing, like apple pie and cheddar cheese, a most unusual but savory combination. So, darling, you might have noticed that your dear husband has a tendency to let his eyes wander over to another pretty lady every now and then. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, let’s take a walk down this winding path together, shall we?

The Lighthearted Gaze

First off, let’s make something perfectly clear. Men are naturally visual creatures. It’s like how I can spot a good bargain from a mile away down at the farmer’s market, or how every Sunday I can spot a new face in the congregation. It’s just in our nature to notice these things. So, his looking is as natural as the sun rising in the East – although, of course, he should always remember what Grandma used to say: ‘You’ve got two eyes, but you better keep one on your wife and the other on the Lord.’ Amen to that!

Now, let’s be real. You didn’t marry a robot, did you? Nope, you married a warm-blooded, God-fearing man with a little twinkle in his eye. So those occasional glances? They might just be part of the package. It doesn’t mean he loves you any less, no ma’am. Sometimes it’s just a reflex, like when my knee jerks a little whenever I sneeze. Speaking of sneezing, bless your heart, try not to overthink it.

The Preemptive Strike

But let’s say his wandering eye has been getting on your last nerve. What’s an upright, faith-holding woman to do? First, a little preemptive strike can work wonders. Men respond well when they’re reminded, gently (and sometimes not so gently), that they’re blessed mightily to have you. Next time you’re getting ready for a date night, take those extra five minutes to spruce up. Put on that red lipstick he likes or that new dress you just got. Remember how he used to look at you when you were dating? Well, give him a flashback.

The Power of Prayer

Now, darling, one of the mightiest tools we have is prayer. Never underestimate the power of a heartfelt prayer. Even Moses had his moments, but he turned to God with every battle he faced. Pray for your husband, and pray especially for strength, focus, and appreciation in your marriage. You’d be surprised what a little divine intervention can do. God works in mysterious ways, and sometimes, all that’s needed is a fervent prayer to steer his attentions back where they belong.

Talking It Out – Gently, Now

Of course, sometimes the good, old-fashioned approach is best. Sit him down, maybe with a warm slice of cherry pie (because a good pie can make any conversation easier), and calmly tell him how you feel. Communication is the cornerstone of any strong marriage. And if he sees that it bothers you – if he sees that his glances are putting a crack in the the fondation of trust y’all have built together – he might just straighten up quicker than a soldier at roll call. But, for goodness’ sake, don’t nag or come at him like a hound on a pork chop. Talk to him with love. You might just find that he didn’t even realize he was doing anything wrong. Men can be a little oblivious sometimes; bless their hearts.

Laughter to the Rescue

And now for my personal favorite technique: humor. Sometimes, when you’re feeling a little down, a good laugh can be just what the doctor ordered. Next time he takes a longer glance than usual, lightly joke about it. You know how in the old cartoons, characters’ eyes would pop out with that goofy sound effect? Mention it! “Honey, you looked at her like that cartoon wolf, don’t make me get the rolling pin!” If you can take a light-hearted approach, you’ll find the tension dissipates faster than morning fog in the sun.

Well, folks, here we are, the end of the road. The truth is, they’ve been roving this Earth just like it says in the Good Book, looking at all His creations. It’s a part of their nature, just like it’s in our nature to love wholeheartedly. Patience, prayer, and a pinch of humor – that’s the recipe for handling this little hiccup with grace. Remember, you’ve been blessed with a love that reflects His own unconditional love for us, and that’s a mighty thing. So hold your head high and your faith higher. And don’t forget the cherry pie.