BREAKING: Trump rally shooter bodycam released after assassination attempt

In a shocking turn of events, the bodycam footage from the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on July 13th has been released, shedding light on the immediate aftermath of this harrowing incident. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley was instrumental in obtaining and disseminating this footage, acquired through a congressional request from Beaver County Emergency Services.

The video reveals a tense and chaotic scene, where quick actions by the Secret Service and local authorities prevented a potentially devastating tragedy. This article delves into the details of the incident, the contents of the bodycam footage, and the broader implications of this security breach.

The Incident Unfolds

On July 13th, at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a sniper, later identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. The footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley provides a raw and unfiltered view of the moments following the attack. Grassley shared the video on social media, emphasizing the need for transparency and detailed answers from the Secret Service regarding the security lapses that allowed this attempt to occur.

Immediate Aftermath Captured on Bodycam

The bodycam footage begins with a Secret Service member coordinating with local authorities to secure the area and assess the situation. The video, although blurred for sensitive content, captures the palpable tension as officers discuss the neutralization of the shooter and the potential presence of other threats. The Secret Service agent is seen confirming details with local law enforcement, indicating the complexity and severity of the situation.

The Shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old from Bethpage, Pennsylvania, was identified as the assailant. Positioned on a rooftop, Crooks targeted the rally from an elevated position. The bodycam footage shows the immediate response to Crooks’ actions, with law enforcement securing the area and attempting to piece together the sequence of events. Crooks was ultimately fatally shot by Secret Service agents, but not before causing significant fear and confusion among the rally attendees.

Security Failures and Calls for Accountability

Senator Grassley’s release of the footage has sparked a debate over the security protocols in place to protect high-profile political figures. In his social media post, Grassley called for the Secret Service to provide “detailed answers ASAP on security failures,” highlighting the urgency for a thorough investigation and accountability.

Resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

This incident also led to the resignation of Kimberly Cheatle, the then-director of the Secret Service. The security failures evident in the footage and the successful breach by Crooks have raised serious questions about the preparedness and effectiveness of the Secret Service. Cheatle’s resignation underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for significant reforms within the agency.

Detailed Breakdown of the Bodycam Footage

The bodycam footage released provides a detailed account of the law enforcement response. Here are some key moments captured in the video:

Coordination and Communication

The footage shows a Secret Service agent communicating with local police officers, discussing the suspicious device and the initial actions taken by the sniper. The clarity and precision in their communication are evident, reflecting the training and protocols followed during such high-stress situations.

The Shooter’s Actions

Crooks’ actions are described in the footage, with officers explaining how he positioned himself on the rooftop, placed his bike and book bag, and was eventually spotted by a sniper inside a nearby building. This information was crucial in identifying and neutralizing the threat quickly.

Securing the Area

Law enforcement officers are seen securing the area, detaining individuals, and assessing potential accomplices. The footage highlights the methodical approach taken by the officers to ensure the safety of all attendees and prevent further incidents.

Casualties and Response

The tragic impact of the attack is also documented, with reports of one attendee killed and two critically injured. The swift response by medical personnel and law enforcement is evident in the footage, showcasing the coordinated effort to address the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

Broader Implications and Reflections

The attempted assassination of a former president is a sobering reminder of the persistent threats faced by public figures. This incident, in particular, has highlighted several critical areas for improvement in security protocols and the need for transparency and accountability from agencies tasked with protection duties.

Transparency and Public Trust

Senator Grassley’s decision to release the bodycam footage aims to foster transparency and rebuild public trust in the institutions responsible for safeguarding political leaders. By providing a clear and unedited view of the incident, Grassley hopes to prompt a comprehensive review and overhaul of security measures.

Need for Enhanced Security Measures

The resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and the calls for detailed answers underscore the necessity for enhanced security measures. This incident serves as a case study for evaluating current protocols and implementing improvements to prevent future threats.

Political and Social Impact

The attempted assassination has far-reaching political and social implications. It has reignited debates about gun control, the protection of public figures, and the responsibilities of law enforcement agencies. As the investigation continues, it is crucial to address these broader issues to ensure a safer environment for political discourse and public gatherings.


The release of the bodycam footage from the July 13th assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump provides a stark and sobering look at the realities of protecting high-profile individuals. Senator Chuck Grassley’s efforts to bring this footage to light emphasize the need for transparency, accountability, and significant improvements in security protocols. As the nation reflects on this incident, it is imperative to learn from these events and work towards ensuring the safety and security of all public figures.

For those interested in viewing the bodycam footage and gaining a deeper understanding of the incident, the video can be accessed bellow. Viewer discretion is advised due to the sensitive nature of the content.