Peach Riddle

Oh, you think you’re clever, don’t you? Clicking on a math riddle, all bright-eyed and ready to flex those brain muscles like a true mental athlete. Well, I hate to break it to you, but this article isn’t for you. No, seriously, I’m going to bore you to tears and you’ll give up halfway through. Save yourself the trouble and find something more enticing to do, like watching paint dry or infomercials on 90’s kitchen gadgets. Still here? Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Riddles Ain’t No Picnic

Alright, if you’re still reading, it means you’re either really stubborn or you just have a thing for punishment. Either way, we’re diving headfirst into today’s puzzle. Picture this: you’re in a quaint little kitchen, head buried in a steamy cookbook, and you see this math riddle scrawled between recipes. Of course, because you’re a glutton for mental gymnastics, you decide to solve it instead of making a peach pie. 3 + 8 ÷ 2 × 3 − 7. What’s the number behind the peach emoji? Is it a bite of peach or a bite of sanity?

Unpacking the Juicy Bits

So let’s break it down, shall we? The trick here is following the proper magic incantation known as BODMAS/BIDMAS: Brackets, Orders (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.), Division and Multiplication (left-to-right), Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right). If that sounds complicated, don’t worry, it basically means math has its rules, and we, the humble number-crunchers, must follow them.

First, we deal with the division and multiplication. 8 ÷ 2 = 4. And per BODMAS rulebook, we don’t go left or right or any other direction until taking care of our multiplication: 4 × 3 = 12. So far we’ve simplified things down to this: 3 + 12 − 7. Don’t go pulling out your hair yet; it’s all downhill from here.

The Final Squeeze

Since addition and subtraction come last, we follow the left-to-right path as prescribed by math elders. Adding the lovely number 3 to our previous result of 12 gives us 15. And finally subtracting 7 from 15, we are left with 8. Voilà! Hold on, don’t run off to solve world hunger with your newfound wisdom just yet. There’s still the matter of revealing the riddle.

Just Peachy

Alright, you made it to the end! You’re like the marathon runner of math riddles. As promised, the number behind the peach emoji is a modest 8. Yup, after all the suspense and mental labor, it turns out it was just a number. Take a moment to let that sink in, high-five yourself, and contemplate the mysteries of life. Or maybe just go make that peach pie after all.


🍑 = 8