7-year-old swims for an hour to get help for dad and sister stranded in river

Imagine this: a seven-year-old boy, the bravest of the brave, swimming against the current for a solid hour to save his family. That’s exactly what young Chase Poust did, and it’s nothing short of heroic!

The adventure—or misadventure, rather—began on a seemingly perfect Memorial Day weekend. Chase, his dad Steven, and his four-year-old sister Abigail, decided to enjoy some quality time on the St. Johns River near Mandarin Point in Jacksonville, Florida. Their plan was simple: anchor the boat, fish a little, and let the kids swim. Harmless enough, right?

Everything was going swimmingly until the current—the sneaky rascal—had different plans. Abigail, safely strapped into her life jacket, found herself slowly drifting away. Now, seven-year-old Chase wasn’t one to stand by idly. He grabbed his sister but soon found the current was too strong and pulled him further from their boat.

Let’s get one thing straight: Chase wasn’t wearing a life jacket. That’s right, no superhero cape for this little guy. Steven, the dad, dived in to save his kids but faced an overwhelming battle himself. “I told them I loved them because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I tried to stick with both of them. I wore myself out. She drifted away from me,” Steven told News4Jax.

Terrified but determined, Chase swam and swam, switching between doggie paddles and floating on his back. He knew he had to keep going, even when his little body was tired. His mission was clear: get to dry land and find help.

For a whole hour, Chase battled the river and finally made it to shore. Once on terra firma, our young hero didn’t waste a second. He ran to get help, screaming and waving down anyone who could assist.

Steven, recounting the ordeal, said, “I screamed for help at the top of my lungs and waved my arms and sure enough someone heard us. Little man also made it to shore and got help and that’s what saved our lives.”

The cavalry arrived—namely, the Sheriff’s Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. An hour after Chase’s heroic swim, Steven and Abigail were rescued. They had drifted a mile away from their boat! Imagine how relieved they must have felt.


Eric Prosswimmer, spokesperson for the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department, couldn’t have put it better: “We had every resource we could have possibly had coming quickly and we’re happy to say all three have been recovered, and all three are doing well. We couldn’t ask for a better outcome.”

This close call serves as a stark reminder: water safety is no joke. If little Chase’s heroism tells us anything, it’s that parents need to exercise extreme caution when they’re out on the water with their kids.

The incredible courage of Chase deserves all the praise in the world. So, spread the word, pat this little hero on the back, and remember to be safe out there on the water.