The Tale of a Colorful Coat and a Family’s Fate

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Do you ever find yourself pondering those good old Bible stories from Sunday School, those heartwarming tales that have guided generations and instilled values that shaped our great nation? Well, I’ve got a gem of a story to share with you today. But before I dive in, I must tell you — this isn’t just any old tale; it’s a real-life narrative posted by someone whose identity, for reasons of privacy, shall remain a mystery. So, settle in with your cup of coffee or tea, and join me on this heartfelt journey through the Word of God.

Now, I don’t want to give away too much right from the start. Where’s the fun in that? Instead, let’s unravel this story layer by glorious layer, just like peeling back the pages of an old family Bible. And trust me, you’ll want to stay right until the end to grasp the full meaning, moral, and the answer to our intriguing riddle.

The Story of the Colorful Coat

Our story begins in the ancient land of Canaan, amidst rolling hills and fertile valleys, where a young boy named Joseph lived with his father, Jacob, and his eleven brothers. Jacob loved all his sons, but Joseph held a special place in his heart — he was the child of Jacob’s old age and the firstborn of his beloved Rachel.

Now, folks, if you have children or grandchildren, you’ll understand the special bond that can form with that one child who just warms your heart a little extra on those cold winter nights. In this case, Jacob’s affection for Joseph was visible in the gift of a splendid, technicolor coat. Imagine a garment so beautiful that it made heads turn! It wasn’t just any coat; it was a dazzling display of love, a symbol of favor that set Joseph apart from his brothers.

However, this favoritism didn’t sit well with the other brothers. Imagine being one of them, laboring day and night in the fields, and watching your little brother parade around in his fancy coat. Jealousy is insidious, isn’t it? It creeps into the heart and festers if unchecked, as it did with Joseph’s brothers. Their jealousy brewed into resentment and, eventually, malice.

A Dreamer and His Dreams

Joseph didn’t just stop at being the favorite; he was also a dreamer. God bestowed upon him dreams that foretold the future. One day, Joseph shared a dream with his brothers. In this dream, they were binding sheaves in the field when suddenly, Joseph’s sheaf stood upright, and the others gathered around and bowed to it. Talk about a hard pill to swallow! Joseph’s brothers weren’t just envious; now, they were being told that they would bow to him?

The dreams continued, and each seemed to elevate Joseph above his brothers. You can imagine the growing tension at the family dinner table. If any of you have ever hosted a family Thanksgiving with different opinions flying across the table, you might get a sense of how heated things must have been in Jacob’s household.

Betrayal and Providence

One poignant day, Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers in the fields. As Joseph approached, they saw their chance. In a moment fueled by envy and bitterness, Joseph’s brothers plotted to rid themselves of this ‘dreamer.’ The brothers stripped him of his beloved coat and tossed him into a dry well. Not being content with that, they sold him to a caravan of Ishmaelites heading to Egypt. They smeared goat blood on the coat and presented it to Jacob, leading him to believe that Joseph had been devoured by a wild animal.

Now, think about the heartbreak Jacob must have felt, believing his dear son was gone forever, and how Joseph, stripped of his dignity and his father’s love symbolized by that coat, must have felt. Yet, all this betrayal was not the end of Joseph’s story. Here’s where God’s providence shines through like the American sun bursting through those morning clouds.

From Pit to Palace

Life in Egypt wasn’t easy for Joseph. But, even as a slave and later a prisoner, God was with him. Joseph’s integrity, wisdom, and faith brought him to the attention of Pharaoh, who eventually made him the governor of Egypt. Through divine guidance, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, predicting seven years of plentiful harvest followed by seven years of severe famine. Thanks to Joseph’s foresight, Egypt was prepared, saving countless lives during the famine — including the lives of his own family.

Years later, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt, seeking grain. They didn’t recognize Joseph, now a powerful and imposing figure. But Joseph knew them. With a heart softened by years and faith, he tested their character before revealing himself. In a moment that melts the heart — forgiveness flowed, relationships were restored, and a family’s fate was sealed in God’s grace.

The Answer and a Life Lesson

If you haven’t guessed by now, the answer to our riddle is Joseph. Genesis 37:3 tells us about Jacob’s love and the colorful coat he made for Joseph. It’s a story that’s far more than a simple tale of sibling rivalry. It’s about dreams, betrayal, and the incredible power of forgiveness and divine destiny.

Dear friends, isn’t it amazing how God’s hand works through trials and tribulations to bring about His divine plan? Just like our founding fathers had a vision for this nation, Joseph had a God-given vision that came to fruition against all odds. So, the next time you face a hardship or find yourself in a pit of despair, remember Joseph and his colorful coat. Trust in the Lord’s plan, for He can take what others meant for harm and turn it into something glorious.

May this story warm your hearts and strengthen your faith.

God bless you and God bless America.