Elizaveta Galitckaia/ShutterStock
‘I am definitely trying this’: Woman shares DIY trick for getting rid of mosquitos that’s better than ‘any commercial’ repellent
‘Thank you for saving me from being eaten alive!’
The gratitude on this woman’s face thanking a random TikToker for their mosquito-repelling hack is palpable.
Mary (@itscontrarymary) uploaded a viral clip sharing the natural-ingredient-based trick she swears has upped her mosquito-repelling game: All you need is some water, natural vanilla extract, and a spray bottle.
“I wish I could remember who commented on the original video, but to the woman who mentioned using vanilla extract, thank you!” she says with excitement.
“I hope you get all the happiness in the world. I’ve tried every commercial product to repel mosquitoes, but nothing works. And down here in South Florida, it’s a nightmare, especially during the summer!”
She reveals her little spray bottle, explaining she mixed water, vanilla extract, and a pinch of cinnamon before spraying it all over her body.
“Not only do I smell like a delicious treat, but it actually works! I love it. I love you,” she concludes with delight.
Does the hack actually work?
Many people have praised vanilla extract for its mosquito-repelling properties. One Reddit user shared, “Recently I’ve been getting bit a lot. I tried this method, applying vanilla to exposed skin before going outside. Not only do the bites go down, but you also smell great.”
House Beautiful spoke with Mosquito Joe’s entomologist Shannon Harlow-Ellis who confirmed that vanilla extract can help, but only if it’s pure: “Sweat, body odor, CO2, and even your blood type can attract mosquitoes. Pure vanilla extract can help mask these odors.”
However, she cautioned against imitation vanilla because its additives might actually attract insects instead.
According to a 2021 study published in The Scientific World Journal, spraying vanilla extract works only temporarily, lasting about 30 minutes before needing reapplication. The scent confuses mosquitoes but wears off quickly.
Eating Well also highlighted this finding, quoting Daniel Markowski from the American Mosquito Control Association: “Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide that we exhale as a long-distance attractant and other cues like breath odors and skin by-products to find their hosts. Thus, it’s a temporary fix.”
For those tired of mosquitoes, other options can be tried such as using a small dish of soapy water, which reportedly attracts and kills mosquitoes, or utilizing coffee grounds, which many swear by.
The TikToker Mary has shared her appreciation and hopes that others will find relief with her method. The internet is always full of new tips and tricks, and sometimes, the simplest one can make a big difference.