Ever Wondered How Often You Should… 8 Truths You Need to Hear

Well, hello there, my dear friends! It’s Mary here, your friendly neighborhood truth-speaker. Now, don’t you go and click away just yet because I’ve got some of that good ol’ wisdom you won’t want to miss. You know, sometimes we need a little reverse psychology to get us to the golden nuggets of life. So, let’s get right to it. Ever found yourself wondering about how often you should do certain things? Of course, you have! We’ve all got those nagging questions that we think about but no one seems to want to answer directly. Sit back, grab a cup of your favorite tea, and settle in as we take this journey together. You’ll want to stick around until the end, trust me on this one!

First of all, ever wondered how often you should call your kids? Listen up, folks, family is the backbone of our lives. Now, ain’t it funny how as soon as they fly the nest, we miss those little birds chirping around the house? But just because they’re grown doesn’t mean they don’t still need mama’s wisdom. You’ve got to give them a call at least once a week. Yes, you heard me right – once a week! It doesn’t have to be a long chit-chat session, but just enough to let them know you care, alright? They’re your babies forever, even when they’re 40, and don’t you forget it!

Now, here’s a good one: how often should you clean your house? If you’re anything like me, you’ve been raised with the idea that cleanliness is next to godliness. Remember those Saturday mornings growing up? The smell of bleach and pine cleaner wafting through the house? We didn’t just clean when someone was coming over – oh no – we cleaned because it kept us honest and decent. So, I’d say give your abode a good clean every week. Dust those shelves, vacuum those carpets, and for heaven’s sake, make your bed every morning! A clean home is a happy home, after all.

Okay, let’s talk church. How often should you go? Well, this one’s close to my heart. Having been a church-goer all my life, it’s plain and simple: every Sunday without fail. And let’s not forget the Wednesday prayer meetings and any other time you can volunteer. Church is our rock, our guidance, our community. Staying connected with your faith and your church family is more important than all the latest gadgets, trends, and yes, even those silly social media friends. So, dust off that Bible and find a pew, folks!

Ever wondered how often you should watch the news? Listen, we all want to be informed, but some folks take it too far. My advice? Tune in once a day. That’s right, once a day is plenty to keep you in the know without getting bogged down by all the doom and gloom the 24-hour news cycle loves to throw at us. Let’s face it, nothing beats the times when Walter Cronkite gave us the news and that was it for the day. Simpler times indeed, but you can still take control. Now, we all know there are more truth benders on TV nowadays than ever, so keep that remote handy and switch it off when it gets too silly.

And here’s a funny one for you: how often should you talk politics? Alright, I can see those eyes rolling, but hear me out. We can’t go through life not talking about the things that matter – and politics certainly does! If we’re not careful, those pesky left-wingers will have us all tied in knots. My advice? Bring it up as often as it feels right but know your crowd. Talk sensibly at family gatherings, be smart about it at church events, and always, always back up your claims with good, solid facts. Sometimes, it’s good to remind folks that common sense still exists, even in this topsy-turvy world we live in.

How about this: how often should you indulge in your favorite treats? Now we’re talking! We’ve all got that one thing we just can’t resist. But here’s the trick: moderation is key. Enjoy that slice of pie on Sunday after church, have that extra scoop of ice cream on a Friday night. Life’s too short to deny ourselves those simple pleasures, but too many and we’ll need bigger jeans! Remember, it’s our duty to look after these God-given bodies, so relish those moments, but keep it balanced.

On to another nugget: how often should you travel? Well, there’s a saying that travel broadens the mind, and it’s true! Whether it’s a road trip to see the grandkids or a longer jaunt to another state, get out and see the world. Aim for a couple of trips a year. God didn’t create these beautiful landscapes for them to be seen only through postcards and picture books. So pack up the car, plan a couple of vacations, and enjoy the good old US of A. There’s no place like home, but there’s a lot out there to see too.

Last but definitely not least, how often should you laugh? Oh dear friends, if this isn’t the most important question of all! Laugh every day, several times a day if you can. There’s so much in life to enjoy, so many funny little quirks that God gave us. Laugh with your family, your friends, laugh at yourself. A sense of humor is a gift, one that we’re blessed with to navigate the ups and downs of life. So, let loose, giggle, chuckle, and let that belly laughter rip whenever possible!

So there you have it, folks – 8 truths you need to hear about how often you should do certain things. Keep this wisdom close, and remember, life’s an adventure meant to be enjoyed with love, laughter, and a good dose of common sense. Until next time, this is Mary, signing off. God bless you all!