Revealing the Truth Nobody Tells You: Shower Myths Busted. #3 Will Leave You Speechless!

Hello there, dear readers! It’s your ol’ friend Mary, back again to chat about something we all do every day (at least I hope you do), but rarely stop to think about: the shower. Now, you might think, “Mary, what’s so exciting about a shower?” Trust me, I’m going to tackle some myths about showering that’ll make you laugh, ponder, and possibly even gasp (and don’t you run now, you’ll miss the fun if you don’t read all the way through)!

You Don’t Have to Shower Every Day

Now, before you folks go hollering, “Mary, what are you talkin’ about?”, let me explain. Back in my day, and I’m hinting around 1950s and ‘60s glory days, folks actually believed that bathing every day would make you sick! Yes, that’s true! You might remember good ol’ Aunt Mable who’d only bathe once a week, saying it would wash away her natural protective oils. She might not have smelled like a rose, but she swore by it.

Well fast-forward to today, and guess what? Turns out science is now saying your Auntie may have been onto something (or someone scientific out there has gotten a whiff of good ol’ Mable, who knows?). Apparently, we may be over-cleaning! I reckon that doesn’t mean we should all just go back to once-a-week showers, lest we all end up smelling like Aunt Mable’s beloved cows.

Hot Showers Are Always Beneficial

Oh, there’s nothing better than a steaming hot shower on a chilly morning, am I right? It’s one of the simple pleasures of life! But here’s something that might make you think twice; too much heat can actually dry out your skin. That’s right, folks! Think about it – our skin’s not much different from a turkey roasting in the oven. We may start feeling bald and plucked by winter if we overdo it.

My granny always touted the virtues of a good ol’ cold shower: “It builds character and makes you strong!” she said. Maybe Granny was tougher (and crazier) than me, but the more I read, the more I think she might’ve been onto something. Turns out, cold showers can be invigorating and even boost your circulation. So maybe we should take a tip from Granny, and try to toughen up now and then. Just a thought!

Soaping Your Entire Body

Now, y’all might want to sit down for this one. I grew up in a household where we soaped up from head to toe like we were preparing for a dove beauty pageant. Heck, we’d scrub away like we were trying to polish a rusty tractor! But guess what? Dermatologists (fancy word for skin doctors) are now saying that we don’t actually need to soap up every inch of our bodies. I know, it’s wild!

The new wisdom is that certain areas, you know which ones – the stinky parts, need some soap love, while the rest can pretty much rinse clean under a good stream of water. Now you tell me if that doesn’t blow your [you-know-what] mind! Imagine the money and time saved. Remember the days when we used to go to the five and dime to pick up one of those brick-sized bars of soap? My, how times have changed!

Shower Timing Matters

To all those early birds chirping away about taking showers at the crack of dawn, listen up! We’ve been told it’s the best way to wake up and start the day, and while that might be true for some, it may not be the golden rule for everyone. There’s a case for showering at night too! Imagine slipping into bed all fresh and clean – like a baby bundled up in fresh linens. Heavenly, right?

Cleaning up before hitting the sack might actually improve your sleep and protect your bedsheets. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting you change your lifelong habits overnight, but it’s sure fun to dabble with new routines now and then. Just a thought from this old lady who’s been around the block a few times!

Long Showers Waste Time and Water

Everyone loves a good long shower, letting the warm water cascade down and wash away the troubles of the day. But let’s not kid ourselves, long showers waste buckets of water – precious water that we might regret wasting someday. I’ve seen my grandkids stand in the shower for 20 minutes as if they’re writing the next great American novel in there. Bless their hearts.

Your trusty ol’ Mary has a tip: set a timer! If you end up daydreaming or singing “Amazing Grace” for the fifteenth time, that little beep will bring you back to reality. Our farmers are crying for rain, and here we are serenading the showerhead!

So there you have it, dear friends! Next time you get under that stream of water, remember these myths and give a nod to your ol’ Aunt Mable, Granny, and yours truly. It’s a funny old world out there, isn’t it? But some things stay true no matter what – faith, family, and some good ol’ common sense. Now, don’t let me catch you lollygagging ’round here. Go and try these tips out, and may your showers be ever delightful and efficient.