5 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Faith Strong in Modern Times

By Mary

Hello, my cherished readers. Now, I bet you’re all wondering, why on earth would Mary, a firm believer and die-hard patriot, be giving out tips on something so obvious? Well, hang tight and keep that coffee warm. What I’m about to share might surprise you, and if it doesn’t, well, at least you’ll have a chuckle or two.

Let’s Be Honest: It’s Not That Complicated

First and foremost, don’t let anyone fool you into believing that keeping your faith strong is some Herculean task in modern times. It’s not rocket science, folks! The world out there might be changing faster than a teenager’s mood swings, but our foundation of faith has stood the test of time. Always has and always will. All you need to do is hang on tight, like you’re on one of those old-school roller coasters we used to ride at the state fair. Remember? Duck your head for the low-hanging branches (the woke nonsense, for instance) and keep on trucking.

Daily Devotionals: The Bread and Butter of Our Faith

If you think I’m going to let you waltz through life without a bite of that good ol’ daily bread, think again. Reading scripture every morning is not just a ritual; it’s the breakfast of champions. Remember, we didn’t come all this way by ignoring the good book. So grab that Bible off your nightstand, brush off the dust if need be, and jump right in. Don’t just glance over a few verses. Absorb it, savor it! Much like you would my infamous homemade apple pie.

The Power of Prayer: Your Direct Line

When the world gets noisy, and honey, it’s louder than ever, remember you’ve got a direct line to the Big Guy upstairs. Prayer isn’t just for Sunday mornings; it’s your anytime lifeline. Feeling frustrated with the news? Pray. Annoyed by modern culture? Pray. Can’t figure out why your grandkids are obsessed with those crazy TikToks? Oh, you guessed it—pray! Trust in the power of prayer to guide you through murky waters. It’s like that trusty old lantern you keep in the attic—always there when you need it, shedding light on the darkest paths.

Church Community: The Glue That Binds Us

Oh, and don’t let me start on the importance of our Church community. These days, people think virtual meets can replace the warmth of in-person interactions. Ha! While a Zoom call might have its uses, there’s nothing like sitting in those wooden pews, humming along to ‘Amazing Grace’ with a choir that hits the right notes each and every time. Remember potlucks? Connecting with your neighbors? The hugs, handshakes, and that ever-so-filling sense of belonging? That’s something you can’t get through a computer screen. So go ahead, dress up in your Sunday best and make your way to that physical sanctuary. You’ll be amazed at how rejuvenated you’ll feel.

Standing Firm Against Modern Trends

Now, here’s a real kicker: standing firm against these modern trends. Let’s just say it like it is: woke culture, cancel this and cancel that, it’s downright exhausting! One minute they’re telling you to break tradition, and the next, they want you to conform to the latest outrageous craze. Let’s keep our head on straight, folks. It’s okay to feel a little out of place in this new world; it’s not our home anyway, remember? Hold tight to those values we’ve cherished for generations. The world might call us old-fashioned, but honey, old-fashioned is just another word for ‘tried and true.’

Faith Over Fear

At the end of the day, let’s remember what’s at the core of everything—Faith over Fear. Those winds of change might howl and the storms might rage, but our firm foundation remains unshaken. So, laugh at the absurdities, surround yourself with like-minded believers, and let your faith shine brighter than a lighthouse on a stormy night.

So, why did you read all the way to the end? Maybe, just maybe, you found it as amusing as I find writing these articles. Or perhaps, you knew deep down that what I’m saying isn’t so far off. Whatever the case, keep the faith, my dear friends. You are stronger than you know.

God Bless America,Mary