Boy Dies, Comes Back & Says Jesus Gave Him A Message For The World

Young Boy Visits Heaven, Returns with a Message

Landon Whitley was in the backseat on October 19, 1997, riding home from church with his parents when their car was hit by an ambulance. “I didn’t see what Andy was yelling at. I just remember him shouting. That was the last thing I heard from him,” his mother Julie Kemp recalled. The ambulance broadsided their car at an intersection, killing Andy instantly.

Landon, just 8 years old, was found later by rescuers. They initially missed him due to the severe damage to the car. When they saw his shoe, they began searching for his body. Landon was not breathing when they found him, and resuscitation efforts began immediately, followed by a life-flight to the hospital. He died two more times that day, each time brought back to life, but with a grim prognosis. “They told me if he lived, he might be like a baby because of brain damage,” Julie recounted. “I was desperate and willing to take that just to have him. He was all I had left.”

As Julie dealt with her husband’s funeral, she also grappled with her faith. “I felt abandoned by God. I was heartbroken and didn’t understand why He didn’t send angels to protect us,” she said. However, amid her pain, she prayed fervently for Landon to survive.

Against all odds, Landon woke up after two weeks, showing no signs of brain damage. Julie, relieved but anxious about breaking the news of Andy’s death, asked her son if he knew where his dad was. “Yes, I know where he’s at. I saw him in heaven,” Landon responded.

In addition to seeing his dad, Landon described seeing family friends who had passed away and siblings he never knew. “He told me, ‘Oh mom, I saw your other two kids.’ I was stunned because I had two miscarriages before Landon and we never told him about them,” Julie said.

“I just knew they were my siblings,” Landon recalled. He had different experiences each time he died. On his third visit, he met Jesus, who gave him a message and a mission.

“Jesus told me to go back to earth and to be a good Christian and tell others about Him,” shared Landon. “I want people to understand that Jesus is real, there’s a heaven, there are angels. Follow His teachings and life will get better.”

Landon and Julie now use their story to provide hope to others experiencing loss. “I know I’m doing it for Jesus. I know He’s real. I’ve seen Jesus. He asked me to do this,” Landon said.

Julie added, “Back in 1997, I didn’t understand why God didn’t send an angel, but now I know we were protected. Instead of being stuck in grief, we use our story to help others keep their faith.” Watching Landon speak about heaven and Jesus is a blessing for Julie. “He’s always willing to share that there is a heaven because he’s been there.”