Sunflower and Daisy Riddle

If you’ve ever found yourself tangled in the wild, thorny vines of emoji-based math riddles, you’re in the right place, my friend. Don’t navigate away now—you won’t want to miss the illuminating conclusion of this Sunflower and Daisy Riddle.

Okay, let’s dig those knees into the soil and plant the first seed of thought:

🌻 + 🌻 + 🌻 = 18

A tricky proposition, isn’t it? But let’s not beat around the cactus. Simple arithmetic helps us here. If three sunflowers equal eighteen, then each sunflower must be equal to—you guessed it—six! Yes, that’s 🌻 = 6.

Ride along with me as we transplant this equation into the next part of our verdant journey:

🌻 + 🌼 = 10

With our previous discovery (🌻 = 6) in hand, let’s sow it into our equation. Replacing the sunflower with 6, we get:

6 + 🌼 = 10

And wouldn’t you know it, the mathematical fertilizer seeps in. Subtracting 6 from both sides, we find that:

🌼 = 4

Now, here’s where things get as thorny as a rosebush in a rock garden. We need to solve:

🌻 – 🌼 = ?

With our trusty botanical numerical values, we get:

6 – 4

And after a few anticipatory breaths, it dawns on us like the morning sun through dew-kissed leaves, the answer is:


Well, dear reader, wasn’t that amusing? We traipsed through the undergrowth of emoji logic and emerged victorious, holding the bloom of enlightenment.

Answer: 🌻 – 🌼 = 2