Am I the A**hole for Prioritizing My Faith Over My Career?

By Mary, your Folksy Advice Columnist

Now, y’all, I have an interesting dilemma that someone posted anonymously on this fancy thing called the internet. For privacy’s sake, we’ll just call them Chris for the rest of this article. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist and start gossiping about who our friend Chris might be, remember, we’re keeping their identity secret!

So Chris asks: Am I the A**hole for prioritizing my faith over my career? Well, hold your horses and keep reading ’til the end to find out what your dear ol’ Mary has to say on the matter. You might just find yourself hollerin’ with agreement by the time I’m done!

A Modern Day Tale of Faith and Career

Our story begins with Chris, a devoted member of a tight-knit religious community. Chris has this high-falutin’ job at some corporate behemoth with all the bells and whistles. But here’s the kicker: Chris’s job started demanding more and more time, encroaching on precious church services, prayer meetings, and opportunities to serve the Lord. Well, ain’t that a kick in the teeth?

Chris tried to juggle both, bless their heart. But soon enough, their career was like that meddlesome relative who shows up uninvited at Thanksgiving – getting all up in their business, makin’ a mess of things. They had to make some hard decisions. And what did Chris choose? Faith, family, and community over some fancy job title. Well, I do declare!

The Pressure Cooker

Of course, choosing faith didn’t go over well with everyone. Chris’s boss acted like they committed a cardinal sin, and coworkers whispered behind their backs like hens in a henhouse. “Career suicide!” they said. But hold on, let’s talk turkey here. Faith isn’t something you just drop like last year’s fashion. Faith is what keeps your anchor steady when life’s waves start tossin’ you about. Can I get an amen?

Granny used to say, “When push comes to shove, and you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, remember your roots, child.” Our jobs, fleeting as they might be, one day disappear in the blink of an eye. But faith and family, now that’s the good stuff that stands the test of time.

The Wisdom of Priorities

Some might call Chris foolish. They say that in this cat-and-mouse game, you climb to the top and hold on for dear life, or you’ll be trampled. But let’s put on our thinkin’ caps, folks. In the Good Book, we’re taught that life is much more than material success. I ain’t seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul yet! Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Remember that as you chase after the elusive American Dream.

Chris didn’t abandon ambition; they simply redirected it. They started to prioritize soul-nourishing pursuits over soul-crushing hours at the office. Joined the church choir, volunteered in community kitchens, and much to nobody’s surprise, found a new sense of joy—one that no corporate bonus could ever match. Well, butter my biscuits and call me happy!

The World’s Judgment vs. Divine Gratitude

Lemme take a moment to talk about judgment. We’re all real quick to point fingers and call someone an a**hole these days, especially those young whippersnappers with their “woke” this and “woke” that. Chris? Not an a**hole. In fact, Chris is a beacon of what many of us are too chicken-hearted to be. When you prioritize your faith, you are walking the trail blazed by countless saints and sinners-turned-saints who had the spine to make the tough calls.

Besides, at the end of the day, when we stand before the pearly gates, our corporate accomplishments won’t amount to a hill of beans. What truly matters are the lives we touched, the values we upheld, and the faith that guided us. Now, you can take that to the bank!

When The Pew is Mightier Than the Paycheck

So, is Chris the a**hole here? Let me grab my preacher’s hat and tell ya – absolutely not! In fact, Chris should be gettin’ a proverbial gold star for having the gumption to prioritize what truly matters in life. Church pews may not pay the bills directly, but they offer a wealth of spiritual richness that no paycheck can ever buy.

Here’s some wisdom for you straight from Mary’s rocking chair: Faith, family, community—those ain’t liabilities; those are life’s true dividends. It takes more than courage to say “no” to the pressures of modern-day work culture; it takes conviction. Yessiree, Chris made the right call. They’ll have to navigate some storms, but they’ll come out stronger on the other side, grounded in faith and fortified by community support.

So, before you go frettin’ about prioritizing your faith over those worldly gains, remember that life’s treasures aren’t just locked in a safe or sittin’ in a bank account. Real riches are found in the grace that faith provides, the love from family and friends, and the fulfillment one feels when serving a higher purpose.

Thanks for sticking around to the very end, sugar. This old heart of mine tells me ya made the right choice. For those of y’all wrestling with similar questions, ponder on what you value most, and stand firm in your convictions. Now go on and tell Chris they ain’t got a single thing to worry about. Faith over career? Checkmate!