Do You Overdo It? Surprising Signs You’re Too Clean

Howdy there, friends! Mary here, your friendly neighborhood grandma with a bit of old-fashioned wisdom and a heap of humor. Now, I know you might be thinking, “Too clean? That’s just plain silly!” But I challenge you to stick around and read until the end. You just might find yourself chuckling and nodding along, realizing that maybe, just maybe, you’re taking this whole cleanliness thing a bit too far.

Still with me? Good. Grab your favorite mug of coffee, kick back, and let’s dive into the unexpectedly amusing world of over-cleanliness. I promise, this will be worth your while!

Sign #1: Your Skin Feels Like the Sahara Desert

Remember the days when your skin was as soft as a baby’s bottom? If now it feels more like the cracked earth of a desert, you might be overdoing it with the soap and water.

We’ve all been told that cleanliness is next to godliness, and don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being clean. But if you’re scrubbing yourself raw every day, you’re stripping away the natural oils that keep your skin supple. Instead of feeling fresh and clean, you’re left with skin that’s tight, dry, and as flexible as a rusty hinge. So, maybe give that loofah a rest, and let your skin breathe a little.

Sign #2: Your Hair Is Limp and Lifeless

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered when your hair decided to imitate a deflated balloon? If your once-bouncy locks are now hanging limp and lifeless, you might be guilty of over-washing.

Your hair needs those natural oils to stay shiny and full of life. Washing too often strips these oils away, leaving your hair flat and dull. So, how about skipping a wash here and there? Your hair might just bounce back with a bit more volume and shine.

Sign #3: Your Hands Are Dry and Cracked

We all know the importance of handwashing, especially these days. But if your hands are starting to resemble sandpaper, it might be time to rethink your washing habits.

Frequent washing with harsh soaps can leave your hands dry, cracked, and more leathery than your old Bible cover. Try using a gentler soap and following up with a good moisturizer. Your hands will feel better, and you’ll be able to get back to your hobbies without wincing in pain.

Sign #4: You’re Always Sniffing and Sneezing

Here’s a surprise for you: being too clean can actually make you more prone to allergies and illnesses. If you find yourself constantly battling a runny nose and itchy eyes, it might be because your immune system isn’t getting enough practice.

Our bodies need exposure to some germs to build up resistance. By over-sanitizing everything, we’re not giving our immune systems a chance to toughen up. So, maybe ease up on the antibacterial wipes and let a few germs hang around. It’s all about balance, folks.

Sign #5: You’re Smelling Like a Perfume Counter

Don’t get me wrong—I love a good fragrance as much as the next gal. But if you’re layering on deodorant, body spray, and perfume just to feel “clean,” you might be masking more than just body odor.

Believe it or not, our bodies have a natural scent that isn’t supposed to smell like a field of daisies 24/7. Overdoing it with all those products can actually irritate your skin and make you sweat more. Sometimes, a little natural scent is just fine.

So, What’s the Solution?

Glad you asked! The key is moderation. It’s about finding a balance that keeps you clean and healthy without going overboard.

Instead of scrubbing yourself silly, try a more measured approach. Wash your hands when they’re dirty, take a shower when you’re sweaty, and maybe let your hair go a day or two between washes. Trust me, the world won’t end if you skip a wash.

A Final Word from Mary

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Mary, this is all well and good, but I’ve been washing like this for 60 years and I’m not about to change now.” And to that, I say: You do you, honey.

But if you’ve found yourself nodding along, chuckling, and maybe even considering making a change, then I’ve done my job. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what works best for you. If that means easing up on the cleanliness routine, well, I say go for it.

So here’s to finding that sweet spot—clean enough to stay healthy, but not so clean that we lose our natural charm.

Stay blessed, stay beautiful, and remember: sometimes, less is more.

Until next time,
