What Would You Change About Your Daily Routine for Better Health? 🏃‍♀️

Well, now isn’t that a loaded question, my dear readers! If you ever wanted to poke a bear with a stick, just ask folks our age what they’d change about their daily routines. But, with a chuckle and a grin, let’s dive into this whole health hoopla, and I’ll share my thoughts on finding a better balance. I promise there’s a pearl of wisdom somewhere in here, if you just hang tight.

So, what’s first on the agenda? These young’uns keep chirping about exercise. They say you gotta move it or lose it. I suppose they are right. Don’t get me started on how much they make me chuckle with their yoga pants and fancy gym memberships. But, maybe they’re onto something. Maybe, just maybe, instead of my usual glance at the exercise bike dusting in the corner, I should hop on for a spin. Not that it’ll replace a good old-fashioned lawn mowing or taking the dog for a jaunt.

Remember back in the day when we’d spend entire afternoons doing manual labor without batting an eyelash? Gardening, chopping wood, painting the house. It’s that kind of work that made us strong. Perhaps if cutting edge routines nowadays included a bit of sweat equity, we’d all be better for it. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sneaking a brisk walk or tossing a line at the fishing hole counts just as well.

Now, another thing these health gurus yack about is diet. Gone are the days of TV dinners and fried chicken buckets, they say. My, do I miss a good chicken fry. But they push for kale smoothies or some avocado toasts, whatever they are. Now, let’s set the record straight: a plate of skillet-fried country ham and eggs is still a gift from God himself, can I get an amen?

Though, they do have a point about keeping the balance. I might swap out my second helping of biscuits and gravy for a handful of nuts or an apple. Ain’t nobody saying to give up your juicy steak or pile-high mashed taters; but a little side of green beans or carrots never put anyone in the hospital either. All things in moderation, as the Good Book would guide us!

Speaking of balance, what about our minds? Back in the day, we stayed sharp playing bridge, deciphering crosswords, or balancing the checkbook. Now they got apps for this stuff. Good Lord, can you believe it? An app to stretch your brain. Maybe if Grandpa pops out his dentures long enough to solve a Sudoku, he might stay sharp till his dying day.

And, while it could feel silly, these little mental gymnastics are supposed to keep us from turning into old fogies mumbling to ourselves. A little learning every day could be our ticket to staying right above the curve. Personally, I enjoy reading my Bible each morning, and that sure keeps my mind clear and steadfast.

But let’s not skip the spirit, shall we? In a world that’s gone completely haywire with cancel culture and so-called woke ideologies, staying steadfast to our faith is perhaps the stalwart anchor we all need. Daily prayer or attending a Sunday service shouldn’t just be an afterthought. It’s the comfort we need in these topsy-turvy times. Bearing witness to our faith in actions, not just words, could indeed improve our whole being from inside out.

Oh goodness gracious, and what’s this outlandish thing they call ‘self-care?’ Back in our day, self-care was making sure your husband didn’t have an empty coffee cup and the family wore clean clothes. Now, it’s bubble baths, scented candles, and affirmations. Well, shoot! I suppose taking 20 minutes to paint your nails or read a book isn’t the worst idea. A happy wife – or husband – is indeed a stick in the wheel of old age, right?

So here’s the funny twist in all this, dear friends. In a world where everything is overcomplicated and filled with tech-talk and new-fangled remedies, better health isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It lies somewhere between our hardworking past and their kale-chomping present. We don’t have to abandon our ways to gain a bit of their enlightenment. Maybe a bit of both is the golden ticket. Certainly don’t let go of those familiar roots that made us who we are, just sprinkle in a dash of new here and there. It’s your life to live fully, as God intended.

So there it is, folks. Exercise a bit, eat wisely, sharpen that brain, feed the spirit, and remember to toss in some self-care. Through laughter and love, I am determined that we can ride this crazy train called life with better health in our horizon. And if nothing else tickles your fancy from this chit-chat, just remember grabbing that extra helpin’ of Jesus every morning should keep the doctor away more effectively than an apple ever could!