Am I the A**hole for Feeling Betrayed When My Daughter Married Outside Our Faith?

Well, now ain’t this a pickle! You’ve stumbled upon this blog, probably wondering if you’re alone in your feelings about your little girl making what some might call an ‘unorthodox’ decision. Let me start by saying that you aren’t the a**hole. Now, stick with me till the end, folks; I promise you’ll see why this bewildering situation is actually a tale as old as time, even older than my trusty Bible.

As a mother of three who’s been happily hitched for 42 years and counting, I’ve seen my fair share of joys and sorrows. When it comes to our kids, especially daughters, the protective mamabear in us tends to rear its head more often than not. And let me tell you, it’s always a bear with claws as sharp as a brand-new Buck knife. Trust me, I’ve felt like Paul Bunyan wielding that knife on more occasions than I’d like to admit.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Remember back in the day when we were young? The turbulent 70s and 80s, the golden years where music had soul, and, dare I say, values were iron-clad. My parents were as strict as they come. We went to church every Sunday, rain, or shine, and I was brought up to marry someone within our faith. You can bet your bottom dollar I did just that.

So imagine my surprise when my own flesh and blood told me she was seeing someone who wasn’t just a little outside the circle, but all the way in another