5 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Bed Sheets

By Mary, your folksy neighbor

Hello my dear friends, Mary here again! I’m usually one to talk about the beauty of a hymn or the joy of a well-cooked Sunday roast, but today—hold your horses—we are going to dive into the riveting world of bed sheets. Yes, bed sheets! Now, wait right there before you roll your eyes and close this page. You might think you already know all there is to know about bed linens, but there are some signs that it’s time to change them that you might not be aware of. Stick with me, and you might just find yourself chuckling all the way to your linen closet.

When The Sheets Don’t Pass the Smell Test

They say cleanliness is next to godliness, and I couldn’t agree more. But let’s get real; sometimes our busy lives get in the way of keeping everything spotless. You know it’s time to change your bed sheets if you get into bed and it smells like you’ve been hosting a barnyard sleepover. I always say, if you wouldn’t let your pastor take a nap on it, it’s time to switch it out. Now, if it’s not obvious to you, ask yourself this: “Would I want to sit through a Sunday service wearing these sheets as a headscarf?” If the answer is an emphatic ‘no,’ it’s probably high time for a wash!

When The Stains Get Personal

Let’s talk stains. We all have them—spilt coffee, late-night snacks, or that mysterious blotch that you’re convinced has a life of its own. A true sign that your sheets need changing is when the stains start forming shapes. Last week, I swear I saw the face of Elvis on my husband’s pillowcase. Now, as much as I love ‘The King,’ I don’t want him serenading me to sleep on a mustard stain. Friends, if your favorite detergent can’t handle those marks, it’s time to let them go.

When the Fabric Starts Resembling Swiss Cheese

Oh goodness, the wear and tear! We’ve all got that favorite pair of jeans we refuse to give up on, even as they become more holes than fabric. But bed sheets? That’s a different story. When your sheets start looking like they’ve been mauled by a pack of wild kittens, it’s time to say goodbye. Imagine rolling over in the middle of the night and finding your toe caught in a hole. Funny for a second—painful the next. It’s a sign, my friends. Time for some new threads!

When The Colors Look Like Sad Watercolors

Now, let’s talk color. Those lovely pastels you bought fresh from the store—how are they holding up? If your once vibrant sky blues now look like you washed them with a load of black socks, it might be time to reconsider. Faded bed sheets mirror a faded spirit. Let’s pick up those spirits with bedding that reflects more than decades of love and laundry cycles! Grandma always said, “Show me your bed sheets, and I’ll tell you about your health.” Well, dear, if they look sadder than an abandoned Bible study group, let’s get them changed!

When They’ve Outlived The Warranty on Your Washer

I know some of you are thrifty, and rightly so. Waste not, want not, right? But even the best things in life have an expiration date, and bed sheets are no exception. If you can remember purchasing your sheets around the same time as your landline phone, it’s probably time to upgrade. The technology in sheets has advanced, folks! We’re talking moisture-wicking, temperature-regulating—none of that existed when you bought sheets the year Reagan was in office. Time to treat yourself with some modern comfort.

So there you have it, dear ones! The next time you find yourself questioning whether or not it’s time to change your bed sheets, just remember these five signs. You’ll thank me the next time you crawl into a bed that smells divine, feels soft, and looks inviting. Go ahead, dive into that linen closet and make the change. After all, life’s too short to sleep in anything less than heavenly sheets!

God bless and take care,
