5 Things You Didn’t Realize About Modern Dating Over 50

Howdy, dear friends! Now, I know what y’all might be thinkin’ — what on earth can Mary have to say about dating in these crazy modern times? Well, let me tell you, there’s a lot more to it than you might think! And stick with me until the end, or you might miss the best parts. Trust me, I wouldn’t lie to you!

1. Swiping Right Ain’t Just for Young Folks

Remember the days when you’d meet someone new at a potluck, church service, or while shopping for groceries? Well, folks, those days aren’t entirely gone, but there’s this newfangled thing called a “dating app” that’s gettin’ folks in our age group all stirred up. It’s like window shoppin’ for companionship! Can you imagine? With a swift swipe right on your phone screen, you could find yourself a handsome fella or a lovely lady.

My niece tried to set me up on one of these once. She called it Tinder. Let me tell you, I ended up with more offers to watch reruns of ‘Matlock’ and ‘Murder, She Wrote’ than actual dates. A lot of these young bucks don’t understand our sophisticated tastes and think sharing their Netflix subscription is a grand romantic gesture!

2. Virtual Dates Are the New Normal

Virtual dates? I know, it sounds plumb ridiculous, but here we are in 2023, where courtings done through a screen! The pandemic has pushed us into these new territories where instead of sharing a meal at a cozy diner, you’re sharing pixelated food over Zoom. Bless their hearts, these poor men trying to figure out how to show they’re genuinely interested when all you can see is half their faces thanks to poor camera skills. It’s a laugh and a half, I tell you!

But, hey, it does have its perks. No more fussing about what to wear or fixing your hair just right. If the top half looks good, who cares that you’re in pajama bottoms? And no worries about someone getting fresh on the first date!

3. Chivalry Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Gone Digital

Now, this might just warm the cockles of your heart. Chivalry may seem like it’s taken a backseat, but it’s found a way to reinvent itself. Instead of opening car doors, these gentlemen are now opening up endless text conversations. Instead of flowers, they’ll send you heart emojis and cute GIFs. Cute, huh?

It’s not all bad, I suppose. A well-timed message or a meaningful comment here and there can brighten your day in the same way a bouquet of roses used to. Everything’s become about those tiny gestures that can turn a day around.

4. Long-Distance Love Isn’t So Far-Fetched

Years ago, long-distance love stories involved tear-stained letters and weeks of waiting. These days, you can find companionship from someone clear across the country without ever leaving your living room. You can video call each other, watch movies together over the internet, and share your lives through photos and messages every single day. It’s like having them next door, minus the baking them pies when they’re down or asking to borrow sugar.

But don’t get too swept up just yet. There’s still the inevitable question of who’s gonna move where; last I checked, my roots run deep in this soil and no fancy app is convincing me otherwise!

5. Embracing Authenticity Over Perfection

One thing that never changes, but truly comes to light with age, is the value of honesty and authenticity. Sure, all these gadgets and gizmos can enhance being honest with each other, but at the end of the day, these apps and screens are no substitute for heartfelt conversation. We’re past the age of putting on airs and pretending to be someone we’re not.

When you’re navigating the dating world in your fifties and sixties, there ain’t no use in pretending you’re still 20. Be proud of every wrinkle and gray hair; they tell a story of a life well-lived. Let’s leave the filters for the young folks who haven’t yet learned that true beauty comes from a place deeper than the skin.

So my dear compatriots, next time someone suggests that modern dating is only for the young and spry, give ‘em a wink and let ‘em know better. We might be from a different time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t teach them a thing or two about real connection. Stay blessed, stay proud, and remember, God has a plan for each one of us, even when it comes to finding love later in life. Until next time!