What Would You Change About Your Daily Routine If You Could Go Back In Time? A Folksy Insight From Mary

Introduction: Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Why on earth should I read an article about hindsight?” Trust me, my dear reader, this isn’t just any article. It’s a trip down memory lane, filled with humorous anecdotes, a sprinkle of wisdom, and a dash of good old-fashioned American patriotism. Hang with me till the end, and I guarantee you’ll chuckle, maybe even mutter a heartfelt ‘Amen’ under your breath.

Hello, dear friends! It’s your favorite sixty-year-old Mary here, and boy, do I have a tale for you today. You see, we all have those moments we wish we could do over. Don’t lie to yourself; you know you do. Maybe it’s that time you ate one too many donuts at the church bake sale, or perhaps it’s the time you let your nephew talk you into investing in that blasted Bitcoin. Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. If I could jump into a time machine and tweak my daily routine, what would I change? Let’s embark on this folksy journey together, shall we?

Back When Life Was Simple: Remember the good old days? When kids played outside till the streetlights came on, Sundays were for church and family dinners, and the news wasn’t a minefield of depressing headlines and woke nonsense? I miss those days. Back then, I used to rise with the roosters. 5 a.m. sharp, I’d be up, brewing myself a strong pot of black coffee. I’d spend the morning reading the Bible and tending to my garden. Those were the days of simplicity and peace.

If I had the chance to relive those days, I’d find more time for that serene morning coffee ritual, before the world woke up and started bothering me with the chaos of modern life. There’s something holy about those early hours, something profoundly American. A small change I’d make? I’d remind myself daily to slow down, to appreciate the stillness before the storm.

Embrace the Good Book, Ditch the Gadgets: Here’s a regret you’ll find amusing, and maybe not too distant from your own experiences. Technology. Oh, how it lured me in like a sly fox! I’ve lost more hours than I care to admit scrolling through the abyss of the internet. The Good Lord didn’t intend for our brains to be bombarded with this much information. What happened to the days when you sat on your porch, read a good book, and chewed the cud with your neighbors?

So here’s what I’d do differently – I’d limit my time on these infernal gadgets and spend more of it in the good ol’ Bible. It’s full of wisdom—something we are sorely lacking in today’s society. I’d also take my knitting more seriously. There is a divine satisfaction that comes from creating something with your own hands, something a ‘like’ on Facebook will never replicate. I’d knit more blankets, make more jam, and do more gardening. That’s the kind of productive, God-fearing routine I’d stick to.

The Power of a Patriotic Heart: Now, you all know how much I love our great country. But if I could go back, I’d make sure to instill that love in the younger generations even more fervently. I remember baking cookies for our local veterans and being part of the parade committee for the Fourth of July celebrations. If I had another go-round, I’d dedicate even more of my time to these patriotic endeavors.

Perhaps, I might have even run for a local office to ensure that true American values didn’t get buried under this tide of ‘wokeness’ that’s been washing over us. Imagine having someone in office who understands that sometimes the best solution is the simplest one, rooted in faith, family, and freedom. That’s the kind of world I want for our children and grandchildren.

Reinforcing Relationships: One of the greatest joys and regrets in life is the time spent (or not spent) with loved ones. I’d carve out more time in my daily grind for quality moments with family and friends. Yes, this sounds cliché, but cliché is just another word for timeless truth. I’d cherish more Sunday afternoons with my grandchildren, telling them stories of yesteryears and imparting wisdom that only age can bring.

You see, in this fast-paced world, we forget that our loved ones are what truly matter. I’d put my foot down and ensure that family dinners remained a sacred tradition, filled with laughter, prayer, and good old-fashioned home-cooked meals. Hindsight has taught me that the moments I treasure the most were often subtle and unplanned, like the spontaneous song-a-longs around the piano or the impromptu picnics in the backyard.

Conclusion: So, there you have it, folks! My whimsical yet earnest reflections on what I’d change if I could hop into a time machine and redo my daily routine. I’d savor the stillness of the mornings, limit the mind-numbing technology, dive deeper into the Bible, infuse more patriotism into my community activities, and reinforce the sacred bond of family.

What about you? What would you change? Go on, ponder over it with your afternoon tea (or coffee, if you’re anything like me). And remember, it’s never too late to start making those small changes. After all, we may not have a time machine, but we’ve got the next best thing—each new day the Good Lord gives us.