Time Travel Nostalgia: What I’d Do If I Could Relive the ’60s

Have you ever thought about what you’d do if you could travel back to the ’60s and relive one moment? Now, don’t jump to conclusions and brush this off as some whimsical daydream you’d rather not entertain—stick around. This just might surprise you, or at least give you a good chuckle by the time you’re done reading. And besides, it’s fun to daydream a little now and then, especially when every other headline these days can make you want to hide under a rock. Shall we take a walk down memory lane, my dear reader? Let’s go. I promise it’ll be worth it. Oh, the 1960s—the era when life appeared simpler, manners were commonplace, and music was what you’d call music, not that clatter you hear on the radio today. Now, if you were to ask me—Mary, your friendly, sixty-something-year-old, God-fearing neighbor with a penchant for the past—what moment I’d pick to relive, I’d say without hesitation, the time of the moon landing in July 1969. Hear me out before you jump to conclusions and say, “Really, Mary? It’s gotta be more than that!” Picture this: The world tuned in to grainy black-and-white televisions, with antennas that needed perfect adjusting (by golly, sometimes you’d swear you were tuning a symphony). We all held our breath, prayed, and watched as Neil Armstrong took that monumental step. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” he said, and oh, how those words still give me goosebumps. In that instant, it felt as though humanity had achieved something divine. The whole nation was united, and more importantly, we were filled with a sense of pride and wonder. Unlike these bewoke whippersnappers today who think history began in 2009 with the advent of social media, we used to value these moments for the sheer transcendence of human experience they represented. Can you imagine what Twitter would have done with a moon landing in 1969? Instead of respectful awe, we’d have hashtags trending like #FakeMoonLanding and cynical memes within minutes. I shudder to think how our shared experiences are distilled into blips and blabs of meaningless text online today. Grateful for the absence of such folly back then, my nostalgic journey also tinges with humor, irony, and a bit of wistful hope. Do you remember how families gathered around the TV? We didn’t have fifty gazillion channels, oh no! There were three—yes, three fine choices, and one channel usually involved a fuzzy screen if the weather wasn’t on your side. But that made every show we watched together so special. I remember how we’d sit around, popcorn in hand (non-microwaved, mind you), and watch wholesome family programming like “The Andy Griffith Show” or “Bonanza.” Nowadays? Well, let’s just say I’d rather leave the room before explaining to my grandkids why that girl on TV is wearing… well, not much of anything. So, let’s get back to that moon landing. Dad was in his armchair, pipe in hand, and mom, oh sweet mom, she was making her famous apple pie in the kitchen. The smell alone could make you believe in heaven on Earth. Family friends popped in because sharing special moments wasn’t just a family affair. We came together as a community. Now, if I suggested to my neighbors they come over and sit for a spell to watch something on the news, they’d think I’d lost my marbles. It’s a shame, really. Anyway, there we were, the screen flickering with that heroic image of the lunar module. It’s funny to think now, but I remember cousin Sarah saying, “What if this is all just a Hollywood setup?” Oh, how we laughed! And she was quite the jokester, bless her heart. We knew deep down that this was real. Something you could sink your teeth into, despite the naysayers of the world. I see so many parallels today where folks doubt, question, and undermine achievements. But in truth, they just can’t see the bigger picture—the unity and the shared accomplishment that were, to put it plainly, very American. If I could go back and relive that moment, it’s because it represents more than just a step on the moon. It epitomizes a time when faith in God, trust in each other, and belief in our nation’s ideals were at the forefront. I mean, these were the days when kids said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at school without some uproar about political correctness. Heaven help us, what’s the world coming to? In conclusion, my friends, traveling back to the ’60s isn’t just about revisiting history. It’s about capturing the essence of a time when life was richer in simplicity, deeper in faith, and more meaningful in unity. The moon landing isn’t just a cherished memory; it’s a landmark that makes me proud of where we came from and a reminder of where we ought to return in our collective spirit. So, do yourself a favor. Sit back with a cup of fresh-brewed coffee (maybe even dig out an old family recipe), and reflect on those times. Trust me, it’s a trip worth taking. God bless, and until next time, Mary