Every time I visit my hometown, the great Warner Family Debate erupts: does the city or the country make you happier? Urban areas aren’t exactly calming, with their constant light, noise, and spontaneous Rick Ross album parties at the club down the street keeping you awake till 4 a.m. every once in a while. (Does that not happen to anyone else? Maybe it’s just an Atlanta thing.)
Research consistently shows that living in cities can have negative effects on your health. According to ABC News, a recent study found that adults who live in densely-populated areas are more likely to develop psychosis than those who live in small towns. Additionally, urban dwellers could be at a greater risk for emotional disorders, as reported by Scientific American. However, despite these drawbacks, some people simply can’t resist the allure of the concrete jungle.
On the other hand, some people despise city life. They find the hustle and bustle overwhelming, preferring the peace and quiet of the countryside. This leads us to today’s question: which environment brings more happiness? BuzzFeed took to the streets of Los Angeles to find the answer, asking residents about their satisfaction with where they live.
The responses were surprisingly diverse. While one man claimed to be “very happy” with his life in the city, the majority of residents expressed less enjoyment. In fact, one girl was planning to move out of the city completely.
BuzzFeed then traveled to Santa Clarita, California, where they interviewed people at the Halfway House Cafe. Unlike the residents of Los Angeles, the townspeople of Santa Clarita unequivocally expressed their happiness with their choice of environment.
However, the video emphasizes that this does not mean everyone should move to the countryside. The interviewees who were happiest all felt content with where they lived, even among city residents. The key seems to be finding a place that suits you well. If you dislike the urban lifestyle, chances are you won’t enjoy living in the city. Likewise, if you find the countryside dull, moving there won’t make it any more exciting.