Jeopardy! is TV’s most iconic quiz show, where quick-witted trivia champions answer clues that leave many home viewers scratching their heads.
But in a recent episode, a seemingly straightforward clue about the Lord’s Prayer left all three contestants baffled, much to the amazement of some Christian viewers.
During the June 13 episode, host Mayim Bialik presented a $200 clue (typically the easiest on the board) in the category “Dadjectives.”
“Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father Which Art In Heaven’, This ‘Be Thy Name.’”
The answer, as many who attended Sunday School will know, is “hallowed” (or, according to Jeopardy! rules, “what is hallowed”).
Although it’s not unusual for Jeopardy! answers to stump contestants, the fact that none of them knew one of the most-recited prayers in Christianity struck a chord with many viewers.
“Not one contestant on Jeopardy last night knew the answer to this…Are you waking up yet?” shared one Twitter user.

“The Lord’s Prayer growing up was like knowing The Pledge of Allegiance. You just did,” one tweet commented.
“While it may not be a sign of the end times, it DEFINITELY speaks volumes about Americans and their faith…or lack of,” another added.
While some took it as a sign of declining faith in the U.S., others were simply surprised the contestants missed a seemingly common knowledge clue.
“I’m an atheist and even I knew the answer to that Lord’s Prayer question,” one Twitter user noted.
“My 4-year-old niece got the answer to this Jeopardy! question! Just wondering maybe the contestants never heard about The Lord’s Prayer?” another wondered.
“How can those Jeopardy! nerds not know this answer. Have they never listened to Iron Maiden?” joked another user, referring to the Iron Maiden song “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
While it shocked some viewers to see all the contestants stumped by a basic question, others were more understanding. Two of the contestants had negative scores and may have been playing it safe, not wanting to risk further penalties.
It’s also worth mentioning that Jeopardy! frequently features questions about Christianity and the Bible, and contestants often correctly respond to clues that would stump even devout churchgoers. In fact, it’s such a common category that some argue the show has too many Christian questions.
Moreover, Jeopardy! welcomes contestants from various backgrounds and religious faiths. It’s entirely possible that these three contestants did not have the same Christian upbringing as many viewers.
While the contestants struggled with the Lord’s Prayer, they performed better with a question on ’70s movies. The Final Jeopardy question was: “He starred in the 2 films whose soundtracks were the top 2 bestselling albums of 1978.”
The correct response? John Travolta! (The soundtracks were Saturday Night Fever and Grease). Contestant Suresh Krishnan triumphed, extending his winning streak to six games.
What do you think about these Jeopardy! contestants not knowing the Lord’s Prayer? Share this story with your thoughts!