If you are a mother (or know one), you know motherhood’s amazing, demanding, hazardous, and stressful aspects.
Due to milk spills, sticky hands, stains, and mountains of laundry, a mom’s life is challenging and frequently messy.
And when you think you’re done, a new load of laundry or a stain pops up.

Even while we occasionally turn to laugh the “misery” off, it can still be very upsetting.
Now and then, we all experience a lack of patience.
Heather Duckworth’s message to mothers everywhere deserves to be read by everyone. She is a mother. Thus, she is equally acquainted with this as anyone else.
Unfortunately, she didn’t understand this until after a terrible catastrophe.
Heather Duckworth is a regular parent in many ways, but she stands out for one reason.
She tragically lost her young son on June 12, 2007, and she has been working hard to get her important message out to all parents.
On Facebook in 2019, Heather wrote a post titled “The Blue Stain” about her experience. You understand why it affects so many people’s hearts as soon as you read it.

Everything began as Heather picked up some slime that her daughter had dropped to the floor. Then, she realized everything.
Heather had to step in and help, but her daughter had tried her best to remove the slime stain.
As any parent would be, she was annoyed by the situation. But just as she began to curse silently, she thought of another stain.
A stain from 14 years ago. In addition to triplets, each two years old, Heather had a four-year-old child. Her daughter wasn’t even yet a baby.
This evening, she struggled to get her four active boys to sleep. When there were four small children at home, the house was in a constant state of chaos and was a tornado of activity.

She spent most of her time chasing after her kids and often worried about the possibility of a third world war starting.
“Both my hands and my heart were full.”
Twelve years ago, she recalled the challenge of feeding, bathing, and cleaning up the usual mess while caring for all four sons simultaneously.
As usual, the youngsters were excited as they sang and danced to the music. This would be the last time this vibe permeated the house for various reasons.
Amid the chaos and her struggle to put the boys to bed, she glanced down at the carpet and spotted a big ink-blue stain.

One of the triplets, Jacob, stood nearby holding a broken pen with ink all over the carpet. Everything in the room was covered, including his body, and clothes.
When Heather saw this, she lost it. She was about to lose patience.
“I was immediately quite angry, and while my husband started to remove those bright blue stains from our carpet, I grabbed my child and took him to the bathroom to clean him up. The tears that are caused by my fury sting my eyes. I was worn out. And furious. Anger, lots of anger. I wasn’t furious with my son, who was as blue as a Smurf, I was unhappy with myself for leaving the pen out where my toddler could get to it,” the mother continued.
We had only been living in this house for six months when the carpet started to show signs of wear. The stain was cleaned for an hour that night but still there.
Heather and her husband even hired professional cleaners but to no avail.
She was getting angrier and angrier every time she saw the stain.
“I was angry and depressed because I had left the pen where my young son could find it. That blue stain was just a big, fat negative in my life. I detested it,” Heather admits.
Everything, however, disappeared in a single, radically altering second as her rage over the stain intensified.
The young boy who broke the pen that day was soon diagnosed with cancer. Two years after hearing the heartbreaking news, Jacob passed away.

When Jacob arrived in heaven, the blue stain remained.
“It was still there and now served as a constant remembrance of my son. It reminded me daily of my annoyance with a pointless, insignificant thing.”
Heather says all mothers should know that small children will produce a mess. Raising young children can be challenging, and raising older children brings new trials and issues for parents.
The blue stain now acts as Heather’s constant reminder that raising children is worth it, even though it can be messy.
It serves as a constant reminder not to stress over trivial things. An ongoing reminder that “people” are more important than “things”
A constant reminder that accidents do happen. A constant reminder to ignore the unimportant details and focus on the things that matter most.
According to Heather, the mess is a “blessing in disguise,” she would be prepared to put up with a million blue ink stains if she could spend just one more day with her child.
She wants to urge parents worldwide to enjoy the simple things in life, even if they occasionally appear complex, and not to become overburdened and stressed out by everything going on.

While Heather still looks after her children by cleaning, washing, and scrubbing, she is now constantly reminded of her time spent in the hospital with her son.
It’s essential to remember to put life’s necessities first and maintain your composure when your children make a mess or even leave “blue stains” that can never be removed.
“We made the right choices, as shown by the filthy pajamas, smurf faces, and large carpet stains. We had children.”
Please like and share Heather’s post if you concur with her position.