He Should Have Read the Note in the Bible

He Should Have Read the Note in the Bible

Once, there was a young man who had just graduated. He expected a fancy car as a gift from his father. However, when he unwrapped the present, he was disappointed to find a Bible inside. The young man was furious and stormed out of the house, vowing never to return.

Years went by, and the young man stayed true to his word. He never went back home until his father passed away. Going through his father’s belongings, he stumbled upon the gift Bible, and when he picked it up, a yellowed note fell from its pages. The note read:

“Son, as you graduate, my prayer is that you’ll always seek God’s purposes. Your new car is in the garage, but I wanted to give you this greater gift first. Love, your dad.”

In his pursuit of selfish desires, the son not only lost out on a car but, more importantly, also lost a loving relationship with his father. Although this story is fictional, it serves as a powerful reminder of how our lives can be when we prioritize our own desires over God’s plans.

The Bible tells us, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and [God] will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33). It reminds us that God’s purpose should be at the forefront of our lives. When we put Him first, He will provide for us in ways that surpass our expectations.

Let this story be a lesson to all of us not to be selfish but to appreciate the smallest blessings in our lives. Often, we pray for God’s blessings, but we expect them to align with our own expectations. Instead, let us learn to treasure every gift, whether big or small, and express our gratitude to God.

Are you looking for more daily wisdom and inspiration from God’s Word? I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It comprises 100 one-minute devotions that challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God’s Word. You can also read the story behind Wisdom for Life here.

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Let us remember the valuable lesson from this story and make the effort to seek God’s purposes above all else. May we appreciate the blessings in our lives and be grateful for them. May God bless you abundantly on your spiritual journey.