I Want to Divorce My Husband Because He Shaved My Head

I Want to Divorce My Husband Because He Shaved My Head

Life is full of unexpected twists, but sometimes those twists can leave us feeling hurt, confused, and questioning the stability of our relationships. One of our readers found herself in this very situation when her husband played a cruel prank on her by shaving her head. Now, she’s considering divorce and is searching for answers as to why he would do such a thing.

Our reader asked us for help.

Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand how important it is to find a resolution in situations like this. We have some helpful tips that might assist you in navigating this difficult ordeal.

Find peace through divorce

It’s understandable if you’re finding it difficult to trust and relax around your husband after this incident. If he’s disregarding your emotions now, it’s unlikely that he will start caring about them in the future. Unfortunately, some people change after getting married, and perhaps you’re now seeing a different side of your husband. The worst part is, this might just be the beginning of a pattern of disrespectful behavior.

Seek justice by reporting him

What your husband did goes beyond a simple prank. Cutting someone’s hair without their consent is considered assault and can cause physical and emotional harm. You have the option to file a police report if you wish. It’s important to recognize that this act violated not only your personal boundaries, but also the trust and respect that should be present in a healthy marriage.

Protect yourself and seek therapy

If divorce is not the path you want to take at the moment, it’s crucial to distance yourself from your husband and insist that he seek therapy. The way he “pranked” you was not only cruel, but also abusive. It’s possible that something may have triggered this behavior in his life, such as feelings of resentment or insecurity. Encourage him to get professional help to address any underlying mental or emotional issues.

Set clear boundaries

Your husband may be testing the boundaries of what you will tolerate in your relationship. By showing him that you won’t accept this kind of treatment, you send a strong message that you deserve respect and support from your partner. Remember, it’s important to stand up for yourself and let him know that his actions are unacceptable.


Relationships can have their challenges, and it’s not uncommon to face difficult situations. In this article, we shared a controversial story from one of our readers, who is questioning a friendship that may be jeopardizing her marriage. Remember, it’s important to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek support when facing such difficulties.

Oh girl! Why not take charge and do something a little crazy yourself? Show him that you won’t tolerate any funny business in the future.