A Woman’s Smart Move that Helped Her Avoid a Potential Stalker

A Woman Avoids a Potential Stalker by Following Safety Advice She Read Online

We all want a world where women can feel safe walking alone in public, without constantly looking over their shoulder. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality we live in. Statistics show that around 65% of women in the US have experienced street harassment, with 20% of them having been followed. But there are brave women out there who are sharing their safety strategies to ensure that others don’t have to go through the same ordeal.

One woman found herself relying on the advice she had read online when she realized she was being followed. And now, we’re sharing her story with you, in the hopes that it will prepare you for any similar situation you may encounter.

Internet advice that proved very useful

A Reddit user managed to escape a potential stalker thanks to the valuable advice shared in the comments section of a post. She was out shopping with her husband and needed to use the restroom before leaving the mall. Her husband went to wait in the car while she entered the bathroom.

As she walked by, she noticed a man inside who turned towards her. Suddenly, she remembered a top comment she had read about being followed: “Never go into a public bathroom if followed.” Trusting her instincts, she quickly exited the bathroom and made her way back to the main shopping area. But the man stayed close behind her.

Then, she recalled another comment saying: “If you think you’re being followed, calmly go into a store that the person wouldn’t typically have interest in.” With this advice in mind, she spotted a dollhouse store and decided to enter. Surprisingly, the man followed her inside and kept looking in her direction.

At this point, fear gripped her. She hurriedly went outside with the man still close on her heels. Pulling out her phone, she called her husband and loudly proclaimed, “I’m being followed by the man behind me.” Her husband rushed to her aid, and upon seeing her husband’s arrival, the man who had been following her quickly left. The danger had passed.

Women coming together and sharing their experiences

This Reddit post gained a lot of attention, with many women sharing their stories and offering advice on what to do in dangerous situations. It’s heartwarming to see women supporting each other and spreading awareness to keep each other safe.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? How do you ensure your safety when you’re out and about?